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You have to be your own advocate for your own health and well being.
Try to combine natural medicine with traditional medicine. Experiment
with what works best for you. Don't listen to people who think they have
the answers with no formal training as it is like playing Russian roulette with
your life.
11-25-2016, 11:38 PM
So now we have Dave's Diary and Kirk's Corner.. Should I start Gypsy's Ghetto? ;)
11-26-2016, 05:44 AM
Sound advice, though I semi-disagree with the last one. I think we should take all advice with a grain of salt, whether the giver is formally trained or not. Everyone is fallible, regardless of education, and there is wisdom from experience. It's good to find out if the advice giver has some knowledge about the subject and isn't just talking out of their rear, but knowledge can come from multiple places nowadays -- not just formal training.
So now we have Dave's Diary and Kirk's Corner.. Should I start Gypsy's Ghetto? ;)
Ha! I'd read that, gypsy.
BB I agree with you. I guess what I meant to say is that you have to use your own judgement when you are not sure or agree with the answers you are getting.
It is always good to get a second or maybe even a third opinion if the potential consequences could be great.
11-26-2016, 11:22 AM
So now we have Dave's Diary and Kirk's Corner.. Should I start Gypsy's Ghetto? ;)
lol. I am liking these styles.
I had to work for a few hours today to meet a deadline. My health anxiety was acting up a bit today. Work helps takes my mind off my HA.
Went out to lunch with my wife at a nice Italian restaurant in Little Italy in Baltimore today. Then later we went over our daughters apartment
where she lives with her boyfriend. They invited us over for a delayed Thanksgiving dinner. Afterwards, I went out to my nightly visit to
Starbucks and saw a couple of friends of mine their.
Someone better go see a physician pretty soon as he is losing it pretty quickly.
He must have quite a few screws that are loose, besides missing most of his deck of cards.
Rocky and Bullwinkle are at it again. I believe the key in finding health care is to find a physician that you trust, has an excellent bedside manner
and is knowledgeable. For example, a client friend of mine needed a colonoscopy. I told him who I use, he is the head of the GI department and
has many years of experience and on top of it all has an excellent bedside manner. He has done thousands and thousands of them. So my friend used
him, all went well and he was happy.
The next topic is work and a career. A few people on this board for some unknown reason are against working.
Who knows why? Maybe they are mentally deficient or incapable of working. Now if you have an actual mental or
physical illness that prevents you from working, that is a different story. I am talking about people who are fully
capable of working. Agreed, money does not buy health or happiness, it allows you to enjoy your life to a greater
extent. It can allow you better access to health care. Financial issues can cause great stress and thus increase health issues.
Some people don't want to work, and become maggots of society taking much needed resources that people who are actually in
need have to have.
11-27-2016, 07:26 PM
No, Gypsy, not "Gypsy's Ghett"o, "Gypsy's Gems" is better.
Kirk, I am so envious that you can drink a Starbuck's and still sleep at night. Even the little bit of caffeine in decaf would keep me up for hours!
Hi Anne. I actually drink a tall unsweetened passion tea and a tall skinny hot chocolate each night. I never liked coffee.
11-27-2016, 08:47 PM
Does the sugar from the hot chocolate affect your anxiety?
11-27-2016, 11:34 PM
No, Gypsy, not "Gypsy's Ghett"o, "Gypsy's Gems" is better.
Kirk, I am so envious that you can drink a Starbuck's and still sleep at night. Even the little bit of caffeine in decaf would keep me up for hours!
Haha. It was feeling like Gypsy's Ghetto on the weekend because I had some bad insomnia knock me around. Better last night though.
Hi Teafrenzy. I believe the skinny hot chocolate has less sugar, but I could be wrong. So far, so good no anxiety effects.
More bad news about superbugs resistance to antibiotics. The news typically is about bad news.
Their was a study done once that said when the news was all good, no one really watched it.
What does that say?
12-02-2016, 07:37 AM
Do you put sugar in your tea? I like to have some herbal tea or some type of decaf tea at night before bed to help me wind down. I don't really mind it without sweetener but I do like to put just a drop or two of honey, but I worry about spiking my blood sugar right before bed. I've thought about trying some dried stevia leaves instead of the honey, I heard it doesn't spike the blood sugar as much and you only need a tiny bit for sweetness.
12-02-2016, 01:21 PM
A lot of hot chocolates have caffeine in them too, which is not good at all for those with anxiety disorder. Caffeine stimulates the body to produce cortisol. We have enough of it in our bodies already. One time I had too much coffee and had a panic attack in church out of all places. I wasn't even worrying about anything either. Just boom - it was there. That can happen when your body becomes severely hyperstimulated. It's best to Avoid caffeine when recovering from anxiety disorder
At Starbucks, I drink an unsweetened passion tea (non caffeine) and a non-fat hot chocolate. I rarely pay for my drinks anymore as I have done favors for the
workers their and I have become friendly with many of them. I periodically give them a big tip. I forgot to mentin that I never add sugar to any drinks.
12-05-2016, 10:52 AM
So now we have Dave's Diary and Kirk's Corner.. Should I start Gypsy's Ghetto? ;)
Or Gypsy's Garden. Where we can keep the rhinos safe. Cos, saving them is very, very important work.
1848 I was thinking today about a past vacation in London with my family and it brought back nice memories.
Pictures are good for that.
Another London photo. 1849 More nice memories.
I like big cities. I feel you can learn something from everywhere you go.
The Intolerable Kid
12-12-2016, 05:45 AM
FWIW I agree with Kirk's first post in this thread.
It is important at this time of year and for that matter the rest of the year to show compassion for
others and to help others when you can either financially or emotionally. Open the door for an elderly
person, treat a person to a drink at Starbucks, show kind words for another person, etc. Being kind to
others is a blessing and will make you and the other person feel good.
12-14-2016, 07:30 PM
I do this all the time and it always amazes me that it makes me feel even better than the person I'm helping. At Target last night the line to return items was taking forever and I could tell the lady behind me was getting angry. I let her go in front of me and before she left she gave me a big smile and thanked me. Just a little act of kindness goes a long way.
12-14-2016, 08:46 PM
I do this all the time and it always amazes me that it makes me feel even better than the person I'm helping. At Target last night the line to return items was taking forever and I could tell the lady behind me was getting angry. I let her go in front of me and before she left she gave me a big smile and thanked me. Just a little act of kindness goes a long way.
What makes me feel even better is having done my Christmas shopping online and not having to go anywhere near Target at this time of year ;)
It always makes me feel good when I can help someone out. It makes my day or night more worthwhile.
I have been feeling a bit stressed recently because of work issues. I have had my own small CPA firm for going on 15 years and things are not as good as they used to be.
I have to learn to come to grips with things, but it can be difficult. Their is no one I can really talk to about it as they really don't understand. I really can't bother my wife or
daughter as they have their own problems. People think that when you are a CPA and have your own firm, that you are rolling in the dough, but that is not necessarily the
The problem is that when this happens to me, my health anxiety begins to return, which is never a good thing.
12-17-2016, 07:18 AM
I have been feeling a bit stressed recently because of work issues. I have had my own small CPA firm for going on 15 years and things are not as good as they used to be.
I have to learn to come to grips with things, but it can be difficult. Their is no one I can really talk to about it as they really don't understand. I really can't bother my wife or
daughter as they have their own problems. People think that when you are a CPA and have your own firm, that you are rolling in the dough, but that is not necessarily the
I'm sorry to hear that. I read somewhere that the increase in DIY accounting software has hit CPA's pretty hard. I'm not sure if that's the case or not?
Thanks for the response. I think that part of the reason I am feeling this way is I turned 60 in September, even though people tell me I look in my
early 50's. Each decade I have I guess a mini-meltdown. When I turned 50, the same thing happened to me. When I turned 40, I was working for a
big CPA firm and a few women took me out to a bar and showed me young women in the bar and said jokingly that I will never be able to get them
anymore. I guess I have to put my big-boy pants on and suck it up. By the way, we were on vacation in London and Oxford in June 2010 and it was
great. The people were very friendly and the weather was mostly sunny. Americans sterotype London as always rainy. From BWI airport their is a
direct flight on British Airways to London. I have nothing but positive things to say about London.
A person I grew up with passed away earlier this year at age 59. He was also an accountant, but not a CPA. He had 3 grown children. I did not care for his wife.
He was very mild mannered and was a giving person. He got diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma 3 years ago and fought it bravely. He used to go on vacation to
Ocean City each year, but planned a big cruise to Alaska, but got sick right before he was supposed to go. My advice is to not put off anything until tomorrow if you can
as tomorrow is not a guarantee.
I am on a roll now. I used to see a retina specialist for a problem in my left eye. She was very attractive and
had every attribute you would want, besides being down to earth. One day she told me, Kirk, let me give you
some advice. I said sure. She then said, spend your money now as when you are older, no one will notice you.
In other words she said, you may not be here or too sick and old to enjoy yourself.
12-17-2016, 01:58 PM
My brother is going through the same thing with his career. He is a lawyer and has worked for himself for the past 10 years. But the continuing stream of new clients has not kept up and now he knows that next year he will have to work for another law firm. It's been hard on him too.
12-17-2016, 04:42 PM
I'm glad you liked it here, Kirk! There's always plenty going on, which is nice.
Did you ever marry?
Jesse, I just had my 30th wedding anniversary in December 2016 and have one daughter who is 26 and who has been living with her
boyfriend since early 2016. I was married once before when I was very young and it only lasted 3 and half years.
I feel like I am at a crossroad in my life and I feel like something is missing but I don't know what it
is or what to do about it.
I have to realize that sometimes questions don't really have any clear cut answers.
12-19-2016, 09:17 AM
Oh, that's awesome, Kirk. Late congratulations!
Do you have a dream you left unfulfilled? Do you feel your life lacks a deeper purpose?
Carl Jung said: “About a third of my cases are suffering from no clinically definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and emptiness of their lives. This can be defined as the general neurosis of our times.”
I guess I don't really have an answer to your question or my questions. Maybe their are no answers and I could be wasting time and energy.
looking for them. Thanks for the congratulations also. Although you may have hit a point where maybe sometimes I feel my life may
lack a deeper purpose. I get enjoyment from helping others. I NEVER want anything from anybody. I refuse to be treated and have told family
to not give me any presents anymore as if I want or need something I will buy it myself and to save your money for yourself. I give to charity.
I will tell you a story which gives me pleasure. I was in line one evening at a supermarket named Giant, near where I live in Baltimore County
Maryland. Their was a young man in front of me checking out in line. He told the cashier he only had $50 on a gift card to buy groceries. I think
he lived in a group home as others were outside waiting to be picked up. He put his groceries from his cart on to the conveyor belt to be rung up.
His bill was $50.70 and put soem groceries on the side as he did not have enough money to buy them. He was also short 70 cents and turned to
me and said, sir, can I have 70 cents for my groceries and I will pay you back. I told to put the rest of the groceries on the conveyor belt and I
will pay anything over the $50. I really can't remember the exact amount, but I paid it and he said to me are you sure and when I said yes, he thanked
me repeatedly and left. Now that made me feel good!
A client of mine's wife passed away the other day at 73 of a rare form of Parkinsons disease.
She was a marathon runner, ate right, etc. It goes to show you, you never know. I visited him
at his condo yesterday in the DC suburbs after my seminar and it was very sad. They had
food spread out in a big meeting room in his condo building and many friends and family were their. He also came to my fathers graveside
service back in January 2013.
Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah to all!
12-25-2016, 07:47 AM
Merry Christmas Kirk :)
Thank you Dahila and the same to you and your family.
12-25-2016, 05:57 PM
Merry Christmas Kirk. It's all over here! ;)
The same to you Gypsylee. Their is a service station I go to near where I live where the owner was from Australia. He passed away and his son
with his family came here from Australia to run things as it is a very successful business. He is in his 30's and I asked him how he likes living here.
He just said it is OK, but it takes some getting used to. Next time I see him, I will have to ask him where exactly he was from and what he meant by that
12-26-2016, 04:56 PM
I've got quite a few FB friends from the States and one said his mate is from Sydney, and the most similar area in his opinion is Southern California :)
A client of mine stopped by today to pick up his 2015 taxes, which were of course late. Their are no penalties as he is due a refund.
He mentioned to me that his older brother, who was 65, just passed away recently of a stroke. He was discussing something related to
his business with his son and suddenly he started slurring words and died of a stroke right in front of his son. I then told my client that
he was only allowed to tell me good news as I hear enough bad news already.
A happy, healthy and safe new year to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope everyone has a better 2017 then 2016, including myself. I will TRY to be more positive and
have less catastrophic thinking, athough it will be difficult, but I really have to give it my best effort.
01-02-2017, 09:16 PM
I am working on that too! Best to you, Kirk, for 2017!
Thank you very much Anne, it is appreciated and of course always the best for you also in 2017!
I have read 2 books that can help with various forms of worry and anxiety. They are Worry, by Edward Hallowell and How to Stay Sane by Philippa Perry.
Had an EGD and colonoscopy earlier today and it is always the best sleep I ever get. I had a colonoscopy 3 years ago, but when I told him
that I sometimes get red blood on the toilet tissue, he ordered another colonoscopy. I also asked for an EGD as I get nauseous sometimes,
and he did that also. He said many physicians sometimes don't want to do both at the same time as the insurance only reimburses for half
for the EGD, but 100% for the colonoscopy. I had a benign polyp removed from my stomach, had hemorrhoids and diverticulosos. I was glad it was
over as it felt like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders.
I forget to mention that my GI physician asked me right before the procedure if I wanted to participate in a study about Barretts
Esophagus, even though I don't have it. So right before the EGD, he pulls out a paper on a clipboard for me to sign. I had the pulse
monitor on my right pointer figure, so when I tried to sign, I couldn't, so he took it off my finger so I could sign the form. My GI
physician has always been nice to me, so if I could help him out I would. Anyway, I think they may have taped the whole EGD
procedure, but I did not ask and don't really care anyway.
I was shopping at Barnes and Noble the other evening when a book caught my eye. It is called; get your sh*t together, how to stop worrying about what you should do so you can finish what you need to do and start doing what you want to do (a no f*ucks given guide) I don't ordinarily read books, but this one appears worth the read.
One part of the book talks about how fear and procrastination can be your worst enemy and pull you down, which I agree with.
salvator here
02-22-2017, 08:39 PM
I usually go to a book store once or twice a week as its right next to a dunkin' donuts I like to walk to, even though I never buy a book. I like to sometimes bring my laptop and use the WIFI and enjoy the peaceful and quiet atmosphere there. Next time go I'll see if I can find the book. I just found the introduction on soundcloud
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