View Full Version : Extreme fear of natural disasters and death?

11-22-2016, 12:52 PM
Umm, hello...My name is Alex and I have extreme anxiety about natural disasters and death. I have never been in a natural disaster so maybe thats why this is making even more scared. In scared of all of them, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods. The fact that you never know when and how strong they will be is what scares me the most...besides im very emotional and dying suddenly and losing my parents or myself dying is unbearable to even think about. Im just so scared whenever i hear about a natural disaster on the news, a warning, everything. I have no idea what i would do in such a situation, i would probably pass out from fear and that would be horrible. All im thinking now is...what if a natural disaster happens NOW AS IM WRITING THIS...what if it happens tomorrow...next week...next month...what if i never see this forum again? My mind is just always thinking: DEATH DEATH DEATH WORSR CASE SCENARIO YOURE GOING TO DROWN, GET BLOWN BY A TORNADO IN THE AIR, SOMETHING WILL GET CRUSHED ON YOU AND YOU WILL DIE.

Worst thing of all...im agnostic and i was raised an atheist so i know nothing about god and religion and my parents are atheists so i keep thinking what if i and my parents go to hell and im wrong wrong and i suffer for eternity and even being anxious there or what if its a forever coma where i never see my parents again...that thought actually made me burst into tears.

Somebody please help, give me facts, reasurrance, something but please dont give me anything for panic attacks because i have anxiety ALL THE TIME...even now. I feel like im going to die any second unexpectedly without a reason and i wont wake up tomorrow.

Im tired of living like this and i feel like everyday i just live to survive...im never safe and happy. :'(

11-22-2016, 06:43 PM
Hey and welcome :)

Natural disasters depend a lot on where you live. I'm not very knowledgable on geography/geology but I know Melbourne is unlikely to have an earthquake, for example. So maybe what you should do is research your area and the likelihood of natural disasters.

All the best,
Gypsy x

11-22-2016, 08:22 PM
Welcome to the forum. Here in Baltimore, we had an earthquake once while I was in my two story office building.
I remember the office shaking and I ran out of my office and ran down the steps outside where everyone else in the
building was standing. Maybe you should have a talk with a health care professional about how you feel so you can
be on the road to recovery.

The Intolerable Kid
11-23-2016, 06:41 AM
Welcome to the forum. Having had similar fears and concerns, I found that preparation can be helpful. I never became a full scale "prepper" but having some supplies, a generator or just a well thought out plan can possibly alleviate some of your anxiety. Gypsylee is quite right - your plan depends a lot on where you live.
I suggest sticking with the atheism. I choose to invest in the real and physical rather than superstition and mythology.

11-23-2016, 01:24 PM
Thanks to everyone who replied and their advice. Chances of an earthquake in my country are pretty low and theres been only 2 big ones in the past. But we do have a lot of floods and idk about tornadoes and such...like i said...im not only afraid of earthquakes, im scared of all natural disasters equally.
Also im 15 and live with my parents...and im home alone very often, almost everyday. So im REALLY anxious when im home alone which is most of the time because what would i do if there was a natural disaster of any kind? What if im alone and my parents are at work and im at risk of a major earthquake, flood or a tornado. Im going to tell you what my thoughts look like during when im home alone:
If im in a tornado my house will get blown off, ill get sucked into the tornado and fly, im going to get hit with flying debris.
If im in an earthquake everything is moving and since i have alot of furniture and a window in almost every room i would get crushed by something and die alone.
If im in a flood..well idk how these work...im in an apartment on the second floor so idk...but im still fricking terrified.
Anyway...all my thoughts are how i will die in the most horrible and scary way and ALONE without ever seeing my parents again. This is making me crazy...id rather have any other fear than this.
Think about it, if you were 15 and home alone...what the heck would you do if there was a major life threatening natural disaster happening...?
These events COULD happen so please dont tell me my thoughts are unreal.
Any help is appreciated just please tell me what would you do and how would you react if you were in my shoes right now.

11-23-2016, 03:07 PM
Hey alex, I do not know how old you are but the fact that you have never been in a natural disaster to this day (neither have I) just goes to show how unlikely it is to happen. I find the news is the absolute worst thing anyone with anxiety or depression could watch. All it does is provoke anxiety and show the things that are wrong with the world. I recommend cutting it out of your life immediately.

If you are worrying about your religion it is an easy fix. Go to church and see how you feel about it. The fact that you are scared tells me some part of you does believe in god, so rather than fight it why not try to embrace it? I started going to church one year ago and it has made a great change in my life!

11-23-2016, 06:29 PM
Hello Alex. I've survived a natural disaster and it is scary. My only advice is to know what's most likely in your area and prepare for it. Have a place to go if you fear tornados.

11-23-2016, 08:01 PM
Hello Alex. I've survived a natural disaster and it is scary. My only advice is to know what's most likely in your area and prepare for it. Have a place to go if you fear tornados. topic rất chuẩn. up để bay xa nhé

11-23-2016, 08:14 PM
topic rất chuẩn. up để bay xa nhé

Oh god go away! LOL.

I don't know.. This is reminding me of one of my favourite Tool songs though and their advice would be: Learn to swim ;)


11-23-2016, 08:23 PM
what an asshole he is, he is a spammer:))

11-23-2016, 08:25 PM
I know right.. Some kind of Vietnamese bot or something?

11-23-2016, 10:01 PM
what an asshole he is, he is a spammer:)) topic rất chuẩn. up để bay cao nhé

11-24-2016, 09:00 AM
Are you seeing a therapist at all? It could be helpful to talk it out and get some guidance from a professional. And if the first one doesn't feel right after a couple of sessions, it's okay to try a different one. There are great counselors out there, but sometimes you have to go through more than one to find them.

I definitely agree with the advice to avoid the news, and that includes being careful about the links and photos you see online. Fear sells more, so the media sets out to scare us.

Do your parents have a plan in case of natural disaster, such as where ya'll would meet, how to get in touch if phone lines were down, a notebook with emergency information, etc.? If not, I would sit down and discuss it with them. There are some prepper/planner checklists online of things to have in place as a family.

I'm a Christian and would be happy to discuss why I chose that if you're interested. You're around the age that people start questioning what's out there, and coming to terms with what you believe (or don't believe) will probably help.

11-24-2016, 11:25 AM
I'm sorry you're struggling with this fear. Is it possible that this is more about your fear of being alone and losing your parents? It seems like you care about them. And you keep repeating that you're scared of going through a natural disaster alone. Could spending more time with your parents and letting them know about your fear help? Maybe they can comfort you and let you know that they'll always be there for you. It seems that spending time alone at home is exacerbating your fear as well. Joining a sport or club could help you get out of your head. I've found a lot of comfort and distraction through support groups and it reminds me that I am not alone.