View Full Version : Persistent earworms after panic attack

11-22-2016, 07:07 AM
I had a major panic attack about a month ago. Since then I've had persistent earworms, music in my brain nonstop basically.
I can change the track in my head, but I can't seem to stop the loop of songs running through my head 24/7. The only distraction I get is if I'm watching TV, having a conversation or am really mentally concentrated on something.

I have done my fair share of research on this. Some studies suggest that this is a part of an OCD symptom or a sign of depression. I do not have any other OCD symptoms, and since this happened from a Panic attack (I do suffer from anxiety) and I've had depression before, I believe this is more linked to depression/anxiety.

The thing is, for the last two weeks I have been feeling quite good. No depression, but the symptoms keep on lasting. During my happy period it is easier to cope with it. But after a while I fall back into anxiety/depression when I realize this symptom is not going away. It would be nice to have some peace and quiet in my mind. It feels like I can't be totally present without absolute concentration, and only for a few minutes.

I know that earworms are quite common among everyone, the difference here is that mine seems to be very persistent. I was wondering if anyone has the same problem and if so, has it gotten better and in that case how?

PS. I am not on any medication and I am quite apprehensive towards medication.

11-22-2016, 05:09 PM
I am not exactly sure what you mean by earworms. Most people describe it as a light ringing noise in their ears which is VERY common following a panic attack.

The best thing to do is ignore it. Give it more time. It will pass.

11-22-2016, 06:02 PM
I think they mean songs. I have them all the time as well but don't notice them much. Trying to get rid of them is probably futile and I sometimes even watch whatever it is on YouTube. It should pass as Teafrenzy said.. Anxiety has a whole bag of tricks up its sleeve lol :rolleyes:

11-23-2016, 08:05 AM
I think they mean songs. I have them all the time as well but don't notice them much. Trying to get rid of them is probably futile and I sometimes even watch whatever it is on YouTube. It should pass as Teafrenzy said.. Anxiety has a whole bag of tricks up its sleeve lol :rolleyes: topic rất hữu Ã*ch. up để bay xa nhé

11-23-2016, 09:01 PM
topic rất hữu �*ch. up để bay xa nhé ná»™i dung rất hay. up để bay cao nhé