View Full Version : Any suggestions

10-27-2008, 05:49 AM
Hi, I have recently been suffering from anxiety over the last few weeks , which has been getting worse. constantly worrying, tight throat, constantly finding it hard to breathe, and worse of all constantly thining about it. its horrible. i also have asthma, so that doesnt help with the panic attacks.

i went to the doctors twice, thinking i had a chest infection, but was told its more than likely anxiety. i dont wanna go back again, and ask for meds to help me through so i was wondering if anyone knew of any remedies, or herbal medicines??



10-27-2008, 12:12 PM
Well anxiety is primarly cause through stress.

So obviously, the best thing to do would be to work on your stress level:)

Start getting yourself on a regular sleeping scedual. Try not to vear from it to much.

Make sure you are eating healthy and foods that will keep your blood sugar low! If your not a vegitarian good things to impliment in your diet are things like asperigas, and pomigranet. You can look up other foods that will lower blood sugar. Try not to eat things that have transfat, or more than 10 ingrediants in them. Especially ones you cant pernounce. If you want sugar try to stay away from candies, and eat more natural sugars like those found in fruit. AND STAY AWAY FROM CAFFIENE!

Nextly, you need to exersice. Exercising will help keep your seritonin in check. When its off balanced it put your body in high alert, thus causing anxiety. So make sure you exersice. Maybe walk an hour each day. Try riding your bike a bit more, dance. Remember that doing aerobic exersices are better to do because you burn more calories because your exercising your entire body instead of one specific section.

Make sure to take time to do things that you enjoy by your self. For example reading, painting, playing an intrument. Whatever you like to do thats personal and calms your down. Maybe get into yoga or meditation.

Learn some breathing exersices.

I wouldnt suggest starting on medication such as SSI's or Anti-depresents.

Youde be suprised how doing these simple things can REALLY HELP!

Get back to me about how your feeling after youve tried some of this. :D