View Full Version : Crippling Anxiety

11-17-2016, 05:15 PM
My anxiety has completely messed up my life.
I have no social life and no friends, no real connection to anyone. My social anxiety extends to my family, including my own parents. I cannot do anything by myself. Even the littlest things I am incapable of doing and because of that, people, my family included, believe that I have some sort of disability when it's actually my anxiety causing me to behave this way. I saw a mental health clinician however I seldom attended my sessions with her because I do not like opening up to people and also I have anxiety when going places on my own. I am turning eighteen and I have basically given up on my education, cannot get a job (I have tried and I've only had one interview so far which my anxiety sabotaged terribly.) and I have no idea what to do. I really, really cannot do anything on my own but I will be expected to as soon as I turn eighteen which is in less than a month.

11-17-2016, 06:43 PM
Hi Manatee and welcome :)

This makes me sad! I do know how crippling it can be and that terrified feeling of "how the hell am I going to do this?!"

At the core of social anxiety is the belief that if anyone sees you as you are they won't like you. As a human, being accepted by the "tribe" is pretty important because if you were outcast in prehistoric times you wouldn't survive long. So it's completely normal to be afraid that other people won't like you. The problem with social phobia is that the belief is wrong and people will (most probably) like you or will at least accept you.

I have to cut this short sorry because I have to get ready to go somewhere, but I have more to say because I was touched by your post.

All the best,
Gypsy x

11-17-2016, 08:29 PM
In order to get better, you must force yourself to talk with a health care professional who will help you
get your life back on track. It may be uncomfortable at first, but in the long run you will come out the
winner as you will get your life back on track.

11-18-2016, 02:34 AM
Hey again..

I'm still somewhat busy with other stuff but I think Claire Weekes would be helpful for you. Here's a link with some free audio stuff by her (just scroll down until you see "How To Recover From Anxiety" by Dr Claire Weekes). She looks and sounds like a grandma haha (she probably was one) but don't let that put you off. It put me off initially but I ended up buying several audiobooks by her because she's fantastic. This excerpt from the site gives a good summary:

"Dr Weekes pioneered a world renowned method of giving you back control over your state of mind.

The strength of her step by step method comes from clinical analysis and her belief that the mind and body react together.

She believed that nervous illness can begin very simply, developing from stress and nervous fatigue, to produce a pattern of symptoms which can become more frightening than the original cause."

Here's the link (and I recommend this to EVERYONE): http://www.junior-anxiety-depression-exchange.org.uk/relax.html

Gypsy x

11-18-2016, 04:14 AM
Hi manatee I'm so sorry to hear this. It really sucks when anxiety controls your life. You really do need to have professional help on this situation. Keep seeing the psychiatrist whether you like it or not. Nobody LIKES therapy but it is what you need to do to get better. Force yourself to go. If you don't like this particular doctor get another one.

As much as it sucks nothing will change from from doing nothing. We can't just wish it away. Normally I would say take baby steps, do something positive, something different from what you usually do every day. People will think what they like, and you will turn eighteen soon, you can' do anything about it. Focus on yourself and getting yourself better. See the therapist! You need to learn how to deal with these feelings, and medication may help you tremendously.

Wishing you the best!