View Full Version : Please be over soon...GAD reaching fever pitch now ugh

11-16-2016, 08:42 AM
It's been nearly a month since this episode of anxiety started. It was triggered by the fact I was in an auto accident then had to deal with all the stress of insurance and paperwork and buying a new car. I am ok and have a new car now but any major, sudden change like that will trigger me. So, I resolved all that but in the last two weeks it has just been full on, irrational worrying about every little thing that crosses my mind. It is just exhausting. All the worries are totally irrational and fleeting, I can't even remember half the stuff I was worrying about (though for about 2 hrs last week I was worried my house was wobbling...don't ask lol. I prefer when it is a real problem that I can actually do something about. This is nothing new for me, but it seems this episode is lasting forever. Two weeks is normal for me for a bad anxiety episode.

Last night, I decided to adjust the position of the drivers seat in my car, and the steering wheel. No big deal, right? Then I felt it wasn't right and then I couldn't get it back where it was before and then I thought one of the adjustment handles clicked in a weird way I think I broke it...then panic attack! I couldn't sleep much, then finally fell asleep exhausted around 5:30 am, woke at 7:30 and called in to work that I would be late. I don't normally do this, I usually want to go to work and get out of the house...but I didn't want to go in my car and be triggered again. I fell asleep for another hr then woke up with a start, heart pounding away. I got dressed and got in my car to go to work, willing myself not to think about the seat or anything. Feel slightly better now I've been at work but now the derealization is setting in, my head is buzzing and I feel very far away, which is better than the anxiety I think but hard to focus.

Now I realize for someone with GAD the above scenario is not that crazy, but just for me to write it out feels better. I'm usually pretty good at getting through the little things without having full blown panic, but my mind has just been so "ON" lately that I think too much about everything that I normally wouldn't pay any mind to. Every little sound, and change, and feeling is like it is hitting a raw nerve. Also, I worry that I am reverting back to avoidance coping which is bad for me. I used to avoid everything so much that I just isolated myself. I'm better about it now but I still find myself wanting to avoid what makes me anxious (which is everything!). This morning I had no choice but to get in my car to go to work, and I did... I'm not so bad that I will risk my job or anything but I seriously thought about calling in sick for the day. The only thing that stopped me was the thought of just lying in bed all day with no filter or distraction for my thoughts. No way!

Sorry so long guys! Needed to clear my head before I can get some work done. Hopefully my afternoon will improve.

I can't wait until this is over...well this episode at least...

11-16-2016, 03:09 PM
It's been nearly a month since this episode of anxiety started. It was triggered by the fact I was in an auto accident then had to deal with all the stress of insurance and paperwork and buying a new car. I am ok and have a new car now but any major, sudden change like that will trigger me. So, I resolved all that but in the last two weeks it has just been full on, irrational worrying about every little thing that crosses my mind. It is just exhausting. All the worries are totally irrational and fleeting, I can't even remember half the stuff I was worrying about (though for about 2 hrs last week I was worried my house was wobbling...don't ask lol. I prefer when it is a real problem that I can actually do something about. This is nothing new for me, but it seems this episode is lasting forever. Two weeks is normal for me for a bad anxiety episode.

Last night, I decided to adjust the position of the drivers seat in my car, and the steering wheel. No big deal, right? Then I felt it wasn't right and then I couldn't get it back where it was before and then I thought one of the adjustment handles clicked in a weird way I think I broke it...then panic attack! I couldn't sleep much, then finally fell asleep exhausted around 5:30 am, woke at 7:30 and called in to work that I would be late. I don't normally do this, I usually want to go to work and get out of the house...but I didn't want to go in my car and be triggered again. I fell asleep for another hr then woke up with a start, heart pounding away. I got dressed and got in my car to go to work, willing myself not to think about the seat or anything. Feel slightly better now I've been at work but now the derealization is setting in, my head is buzzing and I feel very far away, which is better than the anxiety I think but hard to focus.

Now I realize for someone with GAD the above scenario is not that crazy, but just for me to write it out feels better. I'm usually pretty good at getting through the little things without having full blown panic, but my mind has just been so "ON" lately that I think too much about everything that I normally wouldn't pay any mind to. Every little sound, and change, and feeling is like it is hitting a raw nerve. Also, I worry that I am reverting back to avoidance coping which is bad for me. I used to avoid everything so much that I just isolated myself. I'm better about it now but I still find myself wanting to avoid what makes me anxious (which is everything!). This morning I had no choice but to get in my car to go to work, and I did... I'm not so bad that I will risk my job or anything but I seriously thought about calling in sick for the day. The only thing that stopped me was the thought of just lying in bed all day with no filter or distraction for my thoughts. No way!

Sorry so long guys! Needed to clear my head before I can get some work done. Hopefully my afternoon will improve.

I can't wait until this is over...well this episode at least...

I have gad too and am going through a similar thing right now. I quit my job on Friday after thinking about it for a month. I couldn't handle it any more and they were unwilling to give me a medical leave till my new meds kicked in (prozac).
Since quiting my anxiety and depression have spiked big time. Anxiety attacks all weekend, thought I was gonna end up in the hospital.

I have calmed down but I am still full of worry, some rational some not.

Hopefully yours passes soon but know you are not a lone. I can't wait to be able to get back to work and feel good about myself... But for now I am stuck waiting and force myself to do the things that will make me better. Excerise, getting out of the house, drinking water, and eating right... For now that is all I can do.

11-16-2016, 03:31 PM
I know what you're going through, I also have GAD. I worry about everything and I don't like any change or surprise at all. Recently I've noticed I started forgetting things more often than I normally do, I get startled very easily which is unusual for me and I'm more aware of my bodily functions which I shouldn't be.

Honestly, I can't even relax while distracting myself, even RIGHT NOW as I'm typing this I'm anxious, I'm anxious RIGHT NOW, I always am. My mind just never shuts off and to be honest I'd rather have panic attacks than GAD.
They're still horrible and terrifying, but atleast they pass and don't happen 24/7.

I don't really have much advice to give you as I'm trying to find some myself but I want to let you know that you're not alone with this torture called GAD.
Remember, it can be overcame with enough willpower, courage and hope.
Good luck and stay strong.

11-16-2016, 06:46 PM
Sorry about your job, Jones, that sucks. At least you have it a lot of thought and came to a decision about what is beat for you right now. Better than making a rash decision that would just increase your anxiety. Luckily my job is not too stressful and it really is an escape for me, it keeps me busy enough. For me the thought of being stuck at home all week with just my thoughts is terrifying, especially right now.

Hope the Prozac kicks in soon and helps you out. I am not on meds currently, haven't had much success with them. I have managed with diet, exercise and coping mechanisms pretty good. However I've let that all slide for about a year now, gained about 30 pounds. I really think it is contributing a lot to my current anxiety. Time to get back on track.

11-16-2016, 07:07 PM
Xunknown I so agree with you about preferring a panic attack to the constant anxiety. I've dealt with anxiety for 20 years now and I have learned to manage it pretty well. I technically have GAD but for the last 10 years or so I have been able to minimize the constant worry. Normally I will be triggered by some sudden problem or change then will be anxious for a week or two or until it is resolved. Then I can often go weeks or months with very low to no anxiety. That is why this episode is just throwing me for a loop.

I can't seem to turn off my mind either. My ears are constantly buzzing and the morning anxiety is brutal. I've gotten through much worse many times before, and I'll get through this too I know. I have let my eating habits go bad and I am having some blood sugar issues too so I do think that's all contributing to the issue too.

Hope you get some relief soon.

11-17-2016, 05:21 PM
I did it again, with the car seat adjustment. I told myself do not touch this seat, but I did it anyway. I thought the seat wasn't right cause my back felt strained but that is probably because I've been so tense when driving. My mind has become fixated on it... I can't stop!! I really feel like I'm going crazy.

The rational part of my brain knows it is just the anxiety talking but I feel like the irrational part is winning right now. I think just the newness of the car after driving my old one for 11 years is just still a big change for me. I have a big aversion to any type of change, no matter how small. It just brings out my insecurity about a lack of control over my environment.

If this doesn't stop by next week I'll seriously consider going back to therapy cause this is ridiculous.