View Full Version : Happening Now....

11-14-2016, 07:09 PM
Hi everyone,

It's been a good while since I posted. I'll give a brief description of my history first.

I'm 36 years old. I've had anxiety and panic attacks for the past 12 years. I've been on Citalopram for about 8 years now. I was on 20mg for about 4 years, then increased to 30mg for 3 1/2 years and now my dosage has been back down to 20mg for the past 6 months. I was put on Metoprolol 25mg about a year ago for a high heart rate. That dosage was increased to 50mg 3 months ago, for symptoms returning.

On to the present.... For the past few weeks, my memory has been getting increasingly worse. It is so bad, that I can forget things almost as soon as I am told something. My ability to comprehend and ability to retain things is awful. I feel completely overwhelmed and out of control of my own mind. I have an almost constant pressure throughout my entire head. My balance is terrible. Sometimes I feel like I am drunk.

These symptoms are all new to me. I have had the brain fog before, but nothing like this. My rapid heart rate had always been my main symptom.

My question to anyone reading is, has anyone experienced the sudden onset of severe memory problems and the other symptoms above, after dealing with anxiety for so long and not having that as a symptom? Can these symptoms be caused by my increase in beta-blocker dosage, even after it's been 3 months, or the decrease of my regular anxiety medicine even after 6 months? I also have Xanax .25mg to take as needed. I forgot to mention that before. I find myself taking it more often than I ever had in the past, since these memory problems started. It is really freaking me out.

My constant dilemma since I was diagnosed with anxiety, is whether or not things I am going through are anxiety related or something else. I know that anxiety can cause so many different symptoms that mimic other diseases. It's hard to determine the difference.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

11-14-2016, 07:13 PM
It may be best to voice your symptoms and concerns with the prescribing physician as a starting point.

11-14-2016, 08:10 PM
I agree with Kirk. That memory problem needs to be checked out by a doctor.

11-14-2016, 08:20 PM
Hi there :)

I'd get a referral to a specialist about that or at least see a doctor. I don't want to scare you but that sounds like possible Alzheimer's. You have age on your side so hopefully it is a side effect of the meds. Benzos can cause memory loss but .25mg Xanax isn't a lot.. So yeah I'd talk to a doctor.

All the best,
Gypsy x

11-15-2016, 04:49 AM
Wow, ok. I was hoping to hear about some experiences with memory problems. You all sure know how to scare a girl. I'll be contacting my doctor, if I don't end up going to the ER first.

Still hoping to hear from others that may have experienced something similar though.


11-15-2016, 06:22 AM
Stress and anxiety can also cause memory loss, as if I am anxious, I can become forgetful.

11-15-2016, 07:03 AM
I had memory problems and pressure in my head that the neurologist deemed as "silent" migraines -- migraine symptoms without the intense pain. I walked around like a zombie for months, but it wasn't related to the anxiety. It turned out I was suffering from mold exposure. Mold was growing under the carpet in our home after a roof leak. Anyway, I agree with the others -- talk with a doctor and/or specialist. I hope you find out what's going on.

And find ways to rest/relax, if at all possible. Like Kirk mentioned, excess stress can make symptoms worse, no matter what the root cause is.

11-15-2016, 10:12 AM
Thank you for your responses everyone. "BlessedBackyard" it's interesting that your symptoms were due to mold exposure. That is something that I will have to look into. I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor and see what he thinks. What kind of testing did you have done to determine that it was mold exposure?

11-15-2016, 05:09 PM
Based on your age I highly doubt it is Alzheimers. I would also doubt that Mold would cause only mental symptoms...I think new found coughing, itching, eye irritability would coincide. Plus you don't see any obvious signs of mold in your home.

Your mental symptoms very much sound like anxiety. When you say.."sometimes I feel like I am drunk". Bingo that is anxiety. Anxiety will change your breathing patterns and give you symptoms of light headed-ness. Sort of like walking on a boat. The problems of short term memory sound like anxiety. Remember what anxiety seeks to do..put you in a state of heightened alertness. Higher thinking get abandoned.

By all means, see your doctor, get tested to be sure. But it seems far more likely your anxiety has increased and this can be remedied by addressing it.

11-15-2016, 09:51 PM
Thank you again for your responses. I called to get an appointment with my Dr and couldn't get in until December 6th. :( Well, my anxiety won't let me wait that long, so I went to the ER. My neurological exam was fine. They did a CT scan and that came back negative. They decided to treat my symptoms as a "silent migraine". They gave me a dose of something for pain and inflammation via IV and sent me on my way with a referral for a neurologist. Oh, and a headache.

I guess at least I know it's not life threatening. I'm feeling disassociated, struggling to remember things and now I have a headache. I'll call the neurologist tomorrow to see when I can get in there.

Thank you again.

11-15-2016, 10:41 PM
ZK..has anything changed with your stress level? Divorce, job loss, problems with children? etc

I really think you would be better served going to see a Psychiatrist, getting a new prescription and talking some stuff out.

11-16-2016, 05:02 AM
Teafrenzy, nothing has really changed. I'm a single mom, with 2 kids, 2 jobs and a crazy schedule. I've pretty much been living like this though for the past 6 years.

I've been able to deal with my anxiety with the help of my regular doctor, for the most part. This new memory problem, balance and depersonalization is horrible though. I'm terrified that something more serious than anxiety is the problem.

11-16-2016, 06:30 AM
I am very happy to hear their was nothing seriously wrong.

11-16-2016, 06:51 AM
Sometimes it's nice to have a diagnosis, but I'm glad the ER found nothing serious.

Teafrenzy, nothing has really changed. I'm a single mom, with 2 kids, 2 jobs and a crazy schedule. I've pretty much been living like this though for the past 6 years.

It's possible the stress has finally caught up with you. You've done it for so long because you've had to, but the body can only take so much. Are your kids old enough to help out much? Is it safe to assume you're not getting enough good sleep?

As for the mold, I met a woman with the exact same symptoms as me, and she encouraged me to check our home. There was mold under the living room carpet and in the foundation of the bathroom. I saw a doctor who specialized in environmental toxins after I moved out, who confirmed what I already knew.

Teafrenzy, it's a common misconception that mold causes only respiratory or allergy-like symptoms. I saw a dozen doctors and specialists who couldn't figure out what was wrong because I didn't have breathing problems. It affected me mostly neurologically -- memory problems, anxiety and depression, frequent muscle spasms, silent migraines. The longer I stayed in the house, the more symptoms that appeared -- impaired digestion, hormone imbalance, chemical sensitivities, etc. Since then, I've met or read about dozens of people with similar symptoms after prolonged mold exposure.

11-16-2016, 10:18 AM
Hey, I am not against the idea it could be mold.:)

In fact mold is kind of interesting to me. When I first moved back to my parents place, I felt fine. Later in the week, my mom informed me of a leaky pipe in the basement. I tried to fix it myself. Eventually we had to call a plumber. But there was water damage and the carpet had a greenish color on it. I remember having symptoms of light headedness and fatigue soon after and seeing my doctor. Am I correct to assume that mold exposure wouldn't show up on a standard blood test?

11-16-2016, 11:36 AM
benzos will cause short memory loss, but it is temporary.
Some of people here complain and are not happy with my memory.............I am on benzos every day, just tiny dose. It is my safety blanket

11-17-2016, 06:09 AM
Hey Teafrenzy, I hope it didn't sound like I was offended about the mold comment. I wasn't at all, but it's hard to know what kind of tone comes across on the internet. You're right in assuming mold wouldn't show on a standard blood test.

11-17-2016, 07:40 AM
It's so nice to be able to talk and vent about all of this. Most people just do not understand how I am feeling. Yesterday and today, I'm feeling very anxious, unable to focus, still having memory problems and the feeling of depersonalization. It's awful! I feel like I'm losing my mind. Like I said, I can't get an appointment with my doctor until December 6th, so I sent them a message asking if we can adjust my meds before the appointment. I have been taking my as needed Xanax more frequently since this started. It helps calm my mind and helps with focusing. Ugh.... I wish there was a cure for this.