View Full Version : Bp/Stroke Phobia

11-14-2016, 03:07 AM
Hello All
I've had anxiety since i was about 19. I'm currently 24 and my new worry is now of having a stroke. I've been to the ER for anxiety but when i would go to visit a doctor my bp would be high in the pre-hypertension range. I think the last big reading i had was 160/100 which was at a grocery store check station. Every time i check my bp on one of those things i get a high reading. Before i used to check at home all the time and more often than not i would get decent readings 130/90 or lower readings. But I've stopped checking my bp as the more i did it the more it stressed me out to know my reading which in turn became my worst enemy. When i would see a doctor every few months or so they would always tell me "You're bp is high for being young". Keep in mind this was from when was 19 to now. Also the doctor i saw wasn't the best person. Him and his assistants didn't listen to a word i said. They were so quick to just give me meds and send me off. So all of this has just been in the back of mind 24/7. My grandmother had a stroke a few years back and now one of her arms isn't well anymore, she can barely write her name without struggling. With all of this building up in me slowly i have changed myself but not the way i think unfortunately. I have done a lot of things to keep my bp in a decent range. I don't drink or smoke. I watch my sodium intake. The on think i don't do is exercise because half is I'm lazy and the other half is sometimes i get panic attacks as i do it. I'm just looking for some peace of mind as well all are. But i have good days and bad days. But everyday recently has just been bad. From waking up to falling asleep i just have it in the back of my mind when i get tingly in my cheeks or any sort of random effect that happens to my body. Any advice on trying to control myself would be greatly appreciated. I don't really talk to anyone about this since my panic attacks have worried my family and i don't want to burden them. Thank You.

11-14-2016, 06:28 AM
Hi there,

The upper number 130 is your adrenal, the lower number (90) is your kidney pressure. Keep in mind that a high lower number will inflate the upper number. It would be in my experience that optimal (I am not a medical doctor) is 120 / 60. So from the 90 I can possibly extrapolate your adrenals are may be in fatigue. Add on your panic attacks and / or lack of energy and I would think that is directly adrenal related. Which is all good and well, but no solution. I have seen blood pressures higher than that drop like a rock during detoxification over the course of a few months from others. I myself had low blood pressure, but the two are related. If your doctor is unable to help you, perhaps you should look at Robert Morse (youtube robertmorsend), and do some queries on rawfigs.com for high blood pressure, and begin to learn about your Kidneys, Adrenals and the Lymphatic system. Feel free to PM me.

God bless you,