View Full Version : benzos,ssri's,or vitamins?

10-26-2008, 02:18 PM
question... a while ago my family dr. told me to just take vitamins (b-comlplex, c,magnesium, and a multi vitamin) when my anxiety started getting worse, but i had so many things going on in life i simply forgot to take them.
next i went to a neuologist for my migraines and anxiety and he perscribed celexa, which made my anxiety worse and triggered panic attacks so i stopped taking it, then lexapro, which did the same. so as you can tell im not really into taking meds, i'm pretty much terrified and cant get myself to take anything after that.
then i went to a psychiatrist who perscribed zoloft 50 mg but i havent taken it yet due to fear.
my neurologist also perscribed clonazepam .5 mg as 3x daily needed and after hearing about it i'm kind of leaning toward taking this med..... but i'm a little nervous about taking medications so i havent taken it yet..

does anyone have any ideas or thought on which route i should take?



10-27-2008, 05:39 PM
Definatly take your multi-v's those are very important. You should take a multi-v every day.

I wouldnt suggest starting an anti-depresent.

And i wouldnt really suggest colonzipan either because it can be highly addictive (ive been there and done that)

What i take is called BUSPAR.

Its a pill that levels out your seritonin. It does pretty much what an anti-depresent does minus the mood altering part.

Im doing very well on it so far.

It takes about 3 weeks to kick in, but after that your anxiety decreases to the point of dissaperance. :)

Ask about it, and definatly get back to me. ;)

11-04-2008, 03:12 PM
I've been taking vitamin's. After being prescribed Paxil, Effexor, and Celexa, they all made me feel so much worse. I'm afraid to take any more meds. I've started the B vitamins, and the Calcium with Magnesium. I've been on them for a little over a month and I feel alot better. No, the anxiey is still there :| but not as severe, and the Panic Attacks are definitely not as bad. At least when I get them I know its me and not the medication. It helps me "ride" them out. Trying to get 8-9 hours of sleep each night helps to. I am not going back to med's if I can help it. If things get worse again then I will have no choice. For now its all natural...

Hope you find what works for you..

Take Care

11-04-2008, 06:04 PM
This is a huge debate in the medical professional right now, are depression/anxiety Rx med's really doing their job? Just recently, we've had 3 young (early 30's) commit suicide and in all three cases the individual had begun a new SSRI within two weeks from their deaths. I personally, believe your body will produce whatever chemical it needs to in order to help itself. Yet, it goes without saying sometimes we need to condition our minds to release those chemicals during the right time. For more on this check out the 5 Steps the Experts Won't Tell you article I loaded on my blog at the URL attached to my signature line. Take a look, I have loaded a lot of great information.