View Full Version : New to this forum and kinda desperate

11-13-2016, 08:36 PM
Hi everyone,

I am looking for some advise from those who have been able to beat this thing. I've been suffering with anxiety most of my adult life. I was able to somewhat manage things until about 2 years ago. Nothing specific that I can think of happened but I crashed. Big time. Now I am basically confined to my house, and in constant fear. Scared of every symptom I get, and I get them all. Full of doom and gloom thoughts and I feel like I am slowly dying. My fear is that suffering from this intense anxiety over time will cause me to get an illness that I will have to seek medical help for which I can't do, or something I can't recover from. I have seen both psychiatrist and psychologist and did not find them helpful. I can't do drugs. I need to fix myself and I am looking for advise from those who made their way through this.

Thank you

11-13-2016, 09:13 PM
Well first start with the basics. Diet/Lifestyle/Supplements. No caffeine, Alcohol or sweets. Drink lots of water. Herbal tea with no caffeine. Magnesium supplements are a must. There's quite a list of others, it will be a bit trial and error. Exercise. Try to buy some gym equipment and use it indoors. Search the web for breathing techniques and meditation.

Is there a reason why you can't use medication? is it anxiety or are you actually allergic?

11-14-2016, 01:02 AM
Teafrenzy is spot on here

11-14-2016, 06:32 AM
I had the same as you, not as intense -- didn't let it get that far. I'm very sorry for where you are.

For me it was 2 years and ongoing detoxification. No more doom and gloom for me, just started getting out to group functions this year! Meeting people etc. Robert Morse ND started me on my journey. I wish your the best. Learn about your Lymphatic system. Drugs didn't work for me either, but at this point, I'm glad they didn't. One of my many painful but wonderful blessings.

11-14-2016, 09:12 PM
Hey there and welcome :)

Confined to your house feeling like you're slowly dying doesn't sound too good. Have you got any family or friends who can help you out? I would go see a doctor - not because I think they're the answer to this (many are pretty hopeless actually) but because they're like a stepping stone to all sorts of other things.

All the best,
Gypsy x

11-16-2016, 10:06 AM
Thanks for the replies. It just feels hopeless as one symptom goes away and it's replaced with another. I never feel well. Hard to ignore the symptoms and get out there in the real world and try to feel normal. One day, hell half a day without one symptom or another could give me some courage. Losing hope right now but trying. Any reading recommendations anyone can make?

11-16-2016, 10:50 AM
Sorry you are having such a hard time - 2 yrs of constant anxiety is a long time, it is hard to break the cycle but it can be done. I would suggest baby steps. Just do something - ANYTHING! - different every day, no matter how small. If you always wake up at 7 am, wake up at 6 am instead. Treat yourself to a nice lunch. Take a walk outside, even for only 5 minutes in your backyard. Clean a room in your house instead of crying on the couch. Go one day without eating junk food/overeating/sitting on couch all day. I'd even go back to the psychiatrist if I were you. Go to the same one or a different one, I don't care if you go once and never go back. It is still a positive action towards making yourself better. I don't know the reason you can't do meds? I don't like them either but I have used them before. Even when they didn't really help it was the whole process of taking some kind of action to better myself that helped most of all. Just make something change! Posting here is the first baby step, keep on posting.

Just keep reminding yourself that it has been 2 yrs of worrying and you are still here! You did not succumb to any of the symptoms you have been worrying about. How many things have you worried about that did not come to pass? I understand your pain, anxiety is not rational and we worry even if there is nothing to worry about or we wouldn't be anxious - but there has to be a turning point somewhere. Whatever you have been doing or not doing the past 2 yrs is not working, something needs to change whether it is your habits, meds, therapy, whatever...this too shall pass.

11-16-2016, 11:26 AM
2 years:::::::::::::::::::::0 I have at least 55 years of that

11-16-2016, 09:37 PM
The book I've got atm which my psych recommended is called The Happiness Trap by Dr Russ Harris. I haven't read all of it because I'm lazy but the first few chapters are great.

Anything by Claire Weekes.

The Power of Now and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle - These are more "new agey" and not specifically about anxiety but the author did come from a place of bad anxiety and depression. I don't like everything he says but the stuff about the "egoic mind" is brilliant. I actually liked A New Earth better than The Power of Now, even though it's less well known.

Articles by Gary Z McGee - I posted about these in the articles forum. He's a "new age" writer but more "edgy" and realistic than someone like Eckhart Tolle. He talks a lot about the current state of the world and how screwed we are if we don't change (and fast). I will find my favourite one and edit this..


11-16-2016, 09:57 PM
I recommend a book and program called the DARE response by Barry Mcdonagh.

Available on amazon for about 20 bucks, the top rated book on Amazon for anxiety disorders.

11-20-2016, 09:35 PM
I would recommend daily relaxation times. Twice a day for 20-30 minutes. Your nervous system is hyperstimulated and daily relaxation, over time, will calm your body down and will start producing fewer and fewer symptoms. You can do mindfulness meditations, or possibly an Epsom salt bath with some deep diaphragmatic breathing.

Teafrenzys recommendations are all very helpful too. One important thing - do not expect instant results. Most anxious personalities are impatient. Your body will continue to be symptomatic over time until your body calms down. Try to tell yourself "its only anxiety" and accept your symptoms when they come. I know it is difficult, but this is critical to recovery.

11-21-2016, 06:21 AM
DAre bu Barry MCdonagh , I bet you can find it for free

$13.21 · Barnes & Noble
$15.75 · eBay
$20.58 · WorderyFree shipping, no tax
$15.26 · Walmart
View all sellers and prices

11-21-2016, 09:29 PM
well you can find anything for free but I think this guy earned his Shekels. It's a good read. Very uplifting. At the very least it should give some hope.

11-22-2016, 04:02 AM
I listened to the preview of the audiobook.. Sounds good and I'll probably buy it. Looking at some of his stuff on YouTube atm.

11-24-2016, 06:44 PM
Thanks for the advise. Be nice to read something different than the same old stuff you see in just about every "how to beat anxiety" book.

11-25-2016, 09:43 AM
Here's a loaded question. I am trying daily to push myself to get out, do the uncomfortable things even though I have continuous anxiety symptoms. At least I am trying to tell myself they are anxiety symptoms.I am finding now that even relaxing at home is an impossibility. Drives use to help but not any more. In other words, no way to ease the stress levels. I am going to keep pushing myself but and I know that everyone is different but can anybody share when it got easier for them? 2 weeks? 2 months? Ever?


11-25-2016, 10:52 AM
I personally am sticking with my favorite "How to stop worrying and start living" by Dale carnegie. That book changed my life

11-25-2016, 12:37 PM
Thanks. I'll look that one up.

11-25-2016, 12:49 PM
DAre bu Barry MCdonagh , I bet you can find it for free

$13.21 · Barnes & Noble
$15.75 · eBay
$20.58 · WorderyFree shipping, no tax
$15.26 · Walmart
View all sellers and prices

I am very good at finding stuff for FREE & leaving others to deal with the ethical delima they themselves are attached too.

11-25-2016, 01:11 PM
someone was talking about paying it 20 or more so this is why I did posted it. I do not buy books we have an awesome library system:) right now I have 8 books and do not know which one to finish first.........

11-25-2016, 01:37 PM
Yea - I think many people discount the library too soon these days. I have found some awesome books myself of late in the library ... I scan the ones I want to keep ... again ... ethical issue for others - Not Me.

11-26-2016, 03:00 PM
I am good with free. Good with online if that's an option. I saw a link posted yesterday for Claire Weekes which I appreciate I could have and probably would have found eventually, but when someone posts a link to something they find beneficial, that's a bonus.

silver lining
11-27-2016, 12:59 PM
I don't have it half as bad, but here's what I've been doing to cure my problem. First of all I educated myself about anxiety, then I approached it on all levels of my existence: MIND - I meditate, I do self hypnosis, I do yoga, I watch light comedies, I get rest. BODY - I exercise regularly, I fast, I eat very nutritious foods between fasting, I drink water only. SPIRIT - I pray, I do good deeds, I help others, I appreciate and give thanks.. I'm telling you, developing anxiety is the best thing that ever happened to me honestly. It's made me a better person.

11-29-2016, 07:45 AM
Procrastinator, my experience is it always gets better at some point. I am not saying it will go away completely forever, but I have found even my worst episodes got better within a few weeks. The longer I have dealt with anxiety, the severe episodes have become fewer and far between. Still sucks when it happens though. Otherwise, I have accepted anxiety as a part of my daily life. Some days are worse than others but I no longer let the fact that I am experiencing some anxiety interfere with my life so much. It is not to say you just settle for being a nervous wreck all the time and stop trying to help yourself, just that you learn to stop worrying about the anxiety itself. Then it becomes like any other medical condition that you just learn to deal with. When the anxiety gets bad, I no longer think I'm going to die or go crazy, nor do I believe the lies that the anxiety is telling me.