View Full Version : Suggestions to cope with anxiety?

11-13-2016, 11:05 AM
I have had anxiety for some very long time. But, I tried to help myself by going to therapies. Then, I read somewhere about magnesium stuff and added foods enrinched with magnesium into my diet (beans, banana, peanut butter) etc etc. felt much better. There is a smoothie drink (all natural but high in sugar), it used to help me when my heart is racing wild and my hands were shaking) but ofcourse it's high in sugar and I can't and don't want to keep drinking it. Have a new job and to fulfill my responsibilities, I started taking more caffein. Now, is it caffein or stress or something else, I don't know but my anxiety started to effect me much more (it was not gone but ofcourse the effects were minimal). I can't drive on freeways without feeling heart palpitations (so I would drive only local). I can't stand in line to pay at cashier without feeling that I am going to fall and ofcourse I try to run from a conversation with a colleague when we are standing in the hallways (they might be thinking I am anti-social). First time, I went to a psychiatrist for medication, and it's (buspor) giving me much side effects (nausea and extreme tireness). I have reduced caffein intake but still try to eat healthy food. What's else can be suggested? I am thinking of herbal medication or hyponosis. Just trying to live a good life but nothing seems to help.

11-14-2016, 12:58 AM
I would recommend looking into meditation/relaxation practices, magnesium again, and any supplement that may boost gaba: l-theanine, l-taurine, and gaba itself. If symptoms do not cease try speaking with a therapist or doctor and consider medication.

Do you drink alcohol?

Reducing caffeine is definitely a good idea!

11-14-2016, 03:45 PM
If you want to try some basic hypnosis..there are some free smartphone apps for hypnosis to end anxiety. I am trying it out now. Seems to help a bit.

11-14-2016, 03:55 PM
I would recommend looking into meditation/relaxation practices, magnesium again, and any supplement that may boost gaba: l-theanine, l-taurine, and gaba itself. If symptoms do not cease try speaking with a therapist or doctor and consider medication.

Do you drink alcohol?

Reducing caffeine is definitely a good idea!

No, I don't drink alcohol. Caffein is the only drug I take.

can you recommend the supplements or a place/website with GABA, theanine, and taurine???

11-14-2016, 03:57 PM
If you want to try some basic hypnosis..there are some free smartphone apps for hypnosis to end anxiety. I am trying it out now. Seems to help a bit.

I searched and a bunch came up. Don't know how it works but if you can suggest anyone, I would try.

11-14-2016, 09:01 PM
Hey there :)

Are you seeing a doctor or therapist? Talking is really important when it comes to mental illnesses, I think. Even just having friends/family to talk to makes a big difference.

Gypsy x

11-14-2016, 10:04 PM
Emmzee they should be super easy to find in any general health store. They also shouldn't cost more than $10-15 each or you are probably being ripped off.

If you can't find anywhere that sells these I will help you further but I don't want to "promote" any sales on the forum

11-19-2016, 07:08 PM
I would recommend looking into meditation/relaxation practices, magnesium again, and any supplement that may boost gaba: l-theanine, l-taurine, and gaba itself. If symptoms do not cease try speaking with a therapist or doctor and consider medication.

Do you drink alcohol?

Reducing caffeine is definitely a good idea!

I can vouch for the meditation/relaxation practices. In my past, I used to get nervous going out to social or work events and ended up missing 75% of them. I realized these are opportunities for me to practice and each event was classroom. What I did is before I head out to the event, I spent 15mins in a meditation/relaxation state and also visualize in my head the event going well.

I used this for other scenarios as well. Cashier paying was also one of them for me. My anxiety would get the best of me because I was self conscious on the cashier judging me from my purchases when in reality they most likely don't care. I would visualize the cashier and I having a pleasant conversation and after much practice, it actually begins to happen.

Hang in there.

11-28-2016, 10:44 AM
When I'm uncomfortable I always try to change how I feel and be aware of the positives of the situation. You'd be surprised how much our brains want to deceptively deceive us with anxiety! Take a moment, take a deep breath, and see if you can prove your brain wrong! Stay strong!

11-28-2016, 03:24 PM
Music does wonders....try some classical music

11-30-2016, 06:26 PM
I can vouch for the meditation/relaxation practices. In my past, I used to get nervous going out to social or work events and ended up missing 75% of them. I realized these are opportunities for me to practice and each event was classroom. What I did is before I head out to the event, I spent 15mins in a meditation/relaxation state and also visualize in my head the event going well.

I used this for other scenarios as well. Cashier paying was also one of them for me. My anxiety would get the best of me because I was self conscious on the cashier judging me from my purchases when in reality they most likely don't care. I would visualize the cashier and I having a pleasant conversation and after much practice, it actually begins to happen.

Hang in there.
This is great. I started to tell myself during different scenarios that its going to be okay and nothing bad will happen. I cant say how much it is affective but definitely its helping me to have my thoughts fixed at something else (like news or music while I am drivin)

11-30-2016, 06:29 PM
Hey there :)

Are you seeing a doctor or therapist? Talking is really important when it comes to mental illnesses, I think. Even just having friends/family to talk to makes a big difference.

Gypsy x

Seeing a therapist currently who is trying to find a best medication match. I am thinking of restarting psychotherapy and also finding interest in hypnotherapy. Will be seeing a nutritionist as well to determine if I do lack one of the minerals/amino acids etc.