View Full Version : My current struggle

11-12-2016, 02:52 PM
Hey everyone,
This is my first post, i'm new to the forum. So, let's get right to it. I've dealt with generalized anxiety my whole life, yet my extreme anxiety comes in cycles. During these cycles, my anxiety either manifests itself as 'depersonalization disorder' due to smoking pot and having panic attacks way back in the day (I haven't smoked in years) or it manifests itself as an extreme gag reflex, where I'll just start gaging and puking in public, or even at home. Most recently, it has been the gag reflex that has come back full force, and I don't know what to do.
I was slated to move back up to Grand Junction and live with my friend, and also play on their men's golf team. I worked really hard to get good enough to play, and then the day I was supposed to move up, BAM, started choking and puking. I had to turn around and come home...now I'm just doing online school and living with my parents.
I basically can't go anywhere or do anything without gagging. Dates, my job (which I had to quit), my college experience (which I had to abandon), everything...everything is ruined for me and I can't overcome this. I've been doing therapy, and I tried Celexa 40mg for a few months to no avail. These cycles seem to come at the worst possible times and they can last for months on end in unrelenting fashion.
I contemplate suicide daily now, and while I don't think I'd ever do it (because it would upset my mom), I'm just tired. I find joy in nothing, no matter how hard I try to. I know I have talent and potential, but I feel like I always work hard toward something to only be lampooned by my anxiety. Any advice or similar experiences?


11-12-2016, 10:27 PM
Hi Beau and welcome :)

This reminds me of that kid on South Park who pukes every time he sees that girl he likes lol. Sorry to make a joke of it but hey you gotta laugh.

It might be worth trying a different med.. Are you still seeing a therapist?

God I know what you mean with "I'm just tired". But hang in there! Things can and do turn around :)

Gypsy x

11-14-2016, 01:10 AM
I contemplate suicide daily now, and while I don't think I'd ever do it (because it would upset my mom), I'm just tired. I find joy in nothing, no matter how hard I try to. I know I have talent and potential, but I feel like I always work hard toward something to only be lampooned by my anxiety. Any advice or similar experiences?


I have been there man just know it gets better. Have you tried any meds? Try some relaxation exercises

11-14-2016, 08:27 PM
Hey Gypsy, thanks for the reply! And I did find that funny, it actually kind of happened to me like that on a recent date with a girl (I laughed it off and she was cool about it, maybe found a keeper?) I'm going to try a different med, I have a meeting with a psychologist here soon. Thank you for the encouraging words, we are all in this together (life and it's ups and downs). I wish you the best on your journey!


11-14-2016, 08:28 PM
Hey Fixmybrokenmind,
Thank you for your reply, I have tried Celexa but it didn't work, are you on any medications that worked for you? Thanks for sympathizing, it means a lot. Here's to looking forward to when it gets better!

11-14-2016, 08:32 PM
Haha.. I'm picturing that kid now (Stan I think it is). Good luck with the girl on the date! :)

11-14-2016, 10:13 PM
Any time! I currently do not take medications although I take valium maybe 3x a month. Having something on hand for emergencies is a huge weight off of the mind.

I like valium because it works on an as needed basis. Celexa is an anti depressant which takes time to work.

To me it does not sound like you are organically depressed more just depressed with your situation. That being said I can't see why celexa WOULD work.

Phenibut is a non prescription anti anxiety that is very potent. It takes 2-3 hours to take effect but it is equal in strength to valium. Noting this it should be treated like a medication, It is only intended to be used MAX 2x/week because it can be addictive (only if absused) and a tolerance can be developed. It can be very beneficial for anxiety invoking situations such as a date or interview etc..

I take phenibut 1-2x/month and valium 2-3x/month. This makes my find feel safe knowing I have something to fall back on if things get out of hand.

Hope this helps.

11-16-2016, 11:55 AM
thank you! Yeah I'm trying to regain some control over my life and get back into the swing of things (i.e. dating), if it goes bad, well, it does make for a funny story at least! You're from Melbourne huh? I've never been to Australia, do kangaroos ever come into neighborhoods there? I have a lot of deer and coyotes that hangout in my yard often!