View Full Version : New anxiety symptoms or low blood sugar?

11-09-2016, 02:47 PM
I previously posted that I am having a re-occurrence of anxiety after a long period of low level anxiety. The triggers and the cyclical thoughts are the same but I am experiencing some weird physical symptoms I've never really had before. Normally, anxiety makes me feel hot and dizzy, with tightness in my hands, pounding heart. When I went home for lunch today I experienced a "panic attack" - at least that is what i think it was but it was totally different. I did not get much sleep last night and was already in an anxious state when I left for work this morning. Was unable to focus at work all day, I wasn't fixated on any particular worry so much as a general uneasy feeling. When I went home for lunch, it just hit me - then my head started buzzing really loud and I started shivering/trembling uncontrollably for about 15 minutes. It was not cold, I am am in south louisiana and it is about 75 degrees out , no a/c on.

It was very disconcerting to say the least. I have been diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance/insulin resistance recently - and not eating very consistently these past two weeks due to being in a wreck and being so anxious, so I'm sure my blood sugar may be all over the place. I am wondering if the low blood sugar is mimicking the anxiety or triggering the anxiety and strange symptoms?

11-09-2016, 09:28 PM
I'm diabetic and low blood sugar can feel very similar to a panic attack. You're more likely to have high blood sugar (which is less obvious) unless you're taking insulin but it's probably worth investing in a blood glucose monitor so you can test it.


11-10-2016, 07:27 AM
I never thought about high blood sugar. I need to start eating on a regular schedule again so I can see if these symptoms persist. I don't really monitor my sugar but my eating has been really wacky, skipping a lot of meals, eating too much processed junk when I do eat....just way inconsistent. not good.

11-10-2016, 12:28 PM
Oh my goodness, before you even consider medication, eating right and exercising are key. Don't skip meals! Eat nutritious food. Stay away from processed foods. It helps!

11-10-2016, 05:00 PM
Am I was diagnosed with diabetes type II on August , so Immiediately started to follow dr Bernstain way of reversing it, a months after I started I was prediabetic and next week I am going for AC1 test and will see how my eating influences it. For years I had this low blood sugar and was sure it is panic attack, and the thirst...........should do test long time ago
Gypsy I am looking for option to have meter so I could check what is spiking it , but that is so frigging expensive here, I wonder if I should go and get this staff in states what they spend is like 20 dollars on decent meter (in Canada the cheapest is 80) and tests are pennies in states,,,,, no here though...
Testing bg is important.
Cut on carbs higher protein intake and exercise , ligh exercise for the beginning


11-10-2016, 05:22 PM
Just my 2 cents..

The head buzzing, trembling symptoms may not be indicative of a panic attack. It might just be new anxiety symptoms. My head still buzzes from time to time throughout the day, but I haven't had a full blown "panic attack" in about 3 weeks. As a general rule, if you aren't sure you had a panic attack...you didn't have one.

For a remedy, I recommend using your fingers to press different areas of your head and neck that are tender. Than hold an ice pack against them for about 20 minutes.

11-10-2016, 07:05 PM
The metres are about $60 here but you often get like $20 back.

11-10-2016, 07:16 PM
The metres are about $60 here but you often get like $20 back.

yeah I need to do some research maybe there is a way to get some cheaper, how about needle you have to use to get a blood sample?

11-10-2016, 07:21 PM
You get those with the metres. I actually use one the diabetes educator gave me which is more old-fashioned because they try and make them so high tech these days they annoy me haha.

11-10-2016, 07:47 PM
oh I lost my friend of 27 years due my bigotry, over Crystal clear pure soul Hillary but i have still you gypsy, I can ask you about this. I am in tears Leonard Cohen died :(

11-10-2016, 08:35 PM
Oh :( Yes, little Gypsy is still around for a while ;)

11-10-2016, 08:46 PM
Oh :( Yes, little Gypsy is still around for a while ;)

my dear Gypsy, ( heart)

11-10-2016, 08:51 PM
Hemoglobin A-1c test for diabetes is a better test than a fasting glucose one.

11-10-2016, 08:57 PM
of course but you need to check daily to control what to eat, what is spiking it. A1c is average usually in 90 days, it does not show when it spikes, so actually measuring your blood glucose is the best way to take control of it. We are not talking about fasting one Kirk:)

11-10-2016, 09:48 PM
Hemoglobin A-1c test for diabetes is a better test than a fasting glucose one.

Yeah but it's not much good when your heart's racing and you're sweating and shaking from low blood sugar! For a start you need that done by pathology. So actually, a home glucose metre that measures it on the spot is better for what the OP is talking about. You don't have to be fasting either.

11-11-2016, 06:00 AM
In my opinion is the way to take control over it is to measure especially after eating so you know what spiking it, At least my friend with type one does it she eats she checks . With type one is a b*** to keep it level, Is not that Gypsy?

11-16-2016, 08:10 AM
Thanks for the responses guys, I haven't been checking or getting my notifications. Will have to see if they are going in my spam folder.. hmm? Just some background, I have had insulin resistance for years due to PCOS, but it was never bad enough that I couldn't control with just watching my diet and exercise. I'm usually pretty good about having regular meals and snacks, balanced with complex carbs/fat/protein to keep my blood sugar from going wildly up and down. Usually I keep it up regardless of my mental state, it is just routine for me. However, I was having such bad anxiety and had so much going on I was literally eating one meal a day for a couple days which is not normal for me at all. At first I dismissed the shakiness as just being anxiety but I've had anxiety for 20 yrs now I just knew there was something else going on, it was just not the normal symptoms at all. Just the combo of being anxious already and not eating was just bad, i read that when you are anxious your body burns sugar faster and then the brain freaks out! I have gotten back to my normal eating in the past week and already back to just normal anxiety symptoms (yay! NOT! lol).

I have put on about 30 lbs in the last year or so, I think this has something to do with it also, in increasing my insulin resistance. I will be talking to my doc about this in the meantime, but will get on with losing those 30 lbs now.

11-16-2016, 08:30 AM
Hemoglobin A-1C is the definitive test to measure for diabetes as is a fasting glucose tolerance test. Diabetes is nothing to play around with, so it is best to
get a physician to do the proper testing and make an accurate diagnosis.

11-16-2016, 08:31 AM
My internal medicine physican told me taking off those extra pounds can only help your numbers.

11-16-2016, 09:34 AM
cut down on carbs, they are converted immediately to sugar, so you get more sugar that your body needs, then it stores it as fat. Our body is so perfect it will make glucose from protein, this is why there is not spiking not significant one, it takes time to change it to sugar;) Do not worry we do not need even 1 carb a day. It is impossible to avoid it because we need veggies........ my A1C was three months ago 6.5 now after folowing Keto diet is 5.8 . Very soon I will be off the medication:) Insulin resistance is a straight way to diabetes
LCHF woe; low carbs high fat way of eating.
In the three months I had lost a lot of body fat and my cholesterol is at 3.5 now the Hdl went up so I am in lowest risk group. Just forget what ADA says the guidelines made diabetes epidemic in Us
I can direct you to the group on FB if you are interested:)

11-16-2016, 10:15 AM
I did LCHF for a long time, it was great for me - I lost a lot of weight and my energy was through the roof, I always felt satisfied. But I got lazy along the way (hence the extra 30 lbs), got too complacent - but you guys are right diabetes is scary! This was a good wake up call for me to be vigilant about it again.

Dahila, I tried to go very low carb (like 30 net a day or less) but I found for me I couldn't sustain more vigorous exercise with that level, I'd get too dizzy and weak. I find 75-100 net carbs a day was the sweet spot for me I felt great and lost weight. Of course that means good carbs like veggies, even fruits for me in small portions for snacks with protein like nuts. It wasn't hard but old habits are hard to break. I always have the most difficulty with breakfast. I will eat eggs a lot, a lot of yogurt/berries too. I am often in a rush in the morning so I feel like I don't know what to eat that is a good low carb breakfast. I've heard that people will eat there leftovers from night before like chicken and veggies but that does not sound appetizing at all in the mornings.

11-16-2016, 11:33 AM
anm go back to LCHF you never were hungry on it. I do miss fruit so twice a week I have an apple. I do understand I do have to have 40-50 to feel ok. I have many benefits of that; weight loss, no back pain, high lever of energy, good normal sleep, straight 8 hours.
I have less anxiety that's for sure. I stop focusing how unhappy I am chose to focus on my blessings.
You do realize that I am old woman? I have anxiety as long as I remember and now it is so low.........;))
I am sick of eggs..........:(
In the morning I eat cheese.........and drink BPC; Bullet proof coffee 2tbsp butter, 2 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp heavy whipping cream, tiny bit of vanilla extract, After BPC i take my metformin, helps me not to have stomach issues after medication.
Please cut down on evil carbs ;)) you know already the drill :)