View Full Version : Caught up in the anxiety cycle again...

11-09-2016, 01:04 PM
I've been doing really good with my anxiety for a while now. Not to say it disappeared but it has been very low level. When I would start to feel the anxiety bubbling to the surface, I'd tell myself it would be ok, write it down in my journal, take a walk outside, distract myself, whatever until I feel ok again. My anxiety felt different somehow, more superficial and temporary -- as opposed to the downward spiral of worry.

Then, two weeks ago I got in an automobile accident. Everyone was ok but my car was totalled. I seemed to take it in stride at the time but I do not deal well with sudden change. Before long I was worrying about getting a new car, what to get, how to afford it, dealing with the insurance claim, rental car had a scratch on it, on and on. Once I resolved one issue my mind immediately picks up on the next one. I am finished with the insurance and have purchased a new car, the crisis is over. Except it's not... The anxiety has once again taken over and I'm still worrying about every little thing about my house, my car, my health, the election...I can't sleep and I'm exhausted. I can't focus, my ears keep buzzing.

Usually I have one thing I'm worried about constantly to the point I can't stop thinking about it, will have panic attacks over it...then it is resolved and I'm good. What I'm experiencing now is just a constant carousel of trivial issues that are heightened by the anxiety. I can't get my mind to stop and focus on anything. This is not the worst I've ever dealt with by a long shot but it is more difficult because I haven't been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately. At my last doctor checkup I did find out that my blood pressure, blood sugar and my cholesterol are elevated, so wonder if that has anything to do with it as well. Gonna try to start exercising more and watching what i eat again, hopefully that will help.

11-09-2016, 01:12 PM
Since my wreck there was so much going on all at once for the past two weeks I do know my eating habits got out of whack, I skipped a lot of meals and ate very erratically. I do have some issues with insulin resistance/impaired glucose tolerance. I wonder if my blood sugar is not stable now, if that would affect how I'm feeling as per anxiety. I have read that your blood sugar getting too low can cause an anxiety-like response in the body. Anyone else ever experienced anxiety as a result of blood sugar changes?