View Full Version : Anxiety attack after taking a sleeping pill

11-09-2016, 02:50 AM

I took a sleeping pill (immovane) and 3 minutes after I had an anxiety attack. I don't think the attack was a result from the pill because this pill actually worked really well the first time. I'm just extraordinarily anxious about the pill working and I think the attack came as a result of this. I'm in a huge problem now because I've taken a strong sleeping medication but am too anxious to sleep. What should I do? I'm really worried. I haven't slept for days.

11-09-2016, 07:09 AM
of course not due the pill 3 min is not enough to absorb it. I have tons of anxiety before sleep, it is such state similar to death........... When it happens try to drink something like chamomile tea, the sipping slowly will calm you down and then the pill starts working:)

11-09-2016, 01:22 PM
It is a scientific that the body can only go so many days without sleep. Take heart in knowing that eventually you will fall to sleep no matter how much anxiety you have. Not that it's going to do you much good with your current mind set & no pill is going to change that. The side effects of sleeping pills off set the body clock, but if it helps you get sleep faster, then enjoy your short live cycle.

I suggest you change your life style. Begin by cutting our all the poisons that you consume; like most of the food you consume. Work on becoming more physically active at conducive times. Study the effective of noise and light pollution as well as our modern life and it's impact on our mental health. Also the addiction we all seem to have with our symptoms and crying out for help in forums like these. "Oh my heart, it's beating ... please help me .... Oh my heart, it's beating ... please help me!" Take a deep breath. Avoid seeing professionals ... they will simply just keep you on the pills. Is their job to do so and consolidate their profession. Unless of course you wish to take the easy way out with a predisposition to an array of life long pain; then I full recommend ... go see the professionals.

It all lifestyle related. You really want to get better? Then change the way you live. Change the way you act, feel and think.

Good luck with that.

PS - Read THE SLEEP DIETDR CARMEL HARRINGTON (Written by a doctor, but one that is not into pills [only short term and extreme cases - not meant to be on for years. Thankfully some of the doctors do exist - Can't afford to see them? Then ready their books.) No one wants to spend the time to learn and make the effort to get better. Sigh ... Now you have been given a bucket of water ... Up to you to drink or not. How thirsty are ya?????