View Full Version : Design your perfect Natural Anti-Anxiety Supplement, and then get one free!

Brainpower Nootropics
11-07-2016, 08:57 AM
Hey Guys,

I just want to state, I am not trying to get you to buy anything! I simply want real opinions of genuine suffers of anxiety about what you find helps you the most, so I can go away and put together a product that ticks all of your boxes and provides the most benefit possible. Then as a bonus, all the people who have contributed will receive the finished product completely free so you get to experience your own creation.

My girlfriend has always suffered with Anxiety and its her that inspired me to consider launching a new product specifically for Anxiety sufferers. But I don't want to throw something crappy together and put some marketing behind it. Its not what we did with PowerFocus® our Brain function supp, and we are not about to start now.

To get involved, give your opinion at;

power-focus.co.uk/create-the future

11-07-2016, 09:51 AM
focus pocus anxiety is incurable, you can change the way you respond to stress that all, The most helpful for me is meditation. When you have a pill; which work the same as meditation give me a shout, otherwise welcome to forum.

11-07-2016, 12:57 PM
This is why I am thinking about leaving the forum Dahila. I know I keep saying it and yet here I still am. Sigh. That alone depresses me. :( I talk more on that later in my thread.

There is No Magic Bullet to eradicate what is very much misunderstood - Anxiety. I totally agree that current definitions within this forum and the market place in general, makes the dynamic of projected emotional states incurable. None the less it's much easier to name and blame a symptom and sell off chemical solutions than it is for each of us to address core issues that lead us into such a bound up state.

So it is that I will give you what you ask ... a real opinion from a genuine suffer of anxiety; about what has helped me most:

I changed my lifestyle and made that the focus for permanent change. I learned that the problem with anxiety is not anxiety itself. I stopped blaming the symptoms and took responsibility knowing full well that there is no chemical solution for the way I and others typically live. I stopped taking my medication as I discovered it was just another form of poison not unlike much of the food that's now commonly sold. I learned that in Nature, there is no such thing as a one size fits all. I educated myself on the many factors that go into making a healthy being grow. Slowly after giving up and still today, years later find myself struggling with and coming off designer drugs consumer products and their resultant addictions. However having now developed a strong will to heal through that constant practice of syncing back in with my body and natural surroundings ... only now can I say that I feel less bound. (NOT CURED!!! - No such thing.)

Alas - like Dahlia has clearly stated "... anxiety is incurable" - for it is just as much a part of the natural world. We are not only destroying the Natural world around is with such consumeristic ideals, but also that which reside in us. HMMMM - I find that very interesting. An ecological destructive process taking place inside our mind resultant from none other than our new age mental health marker place. This of Couse includes the selling of all things natural too.

So there you go, that's my real opinion from a genuine sufferer who's actually known to of turned his life around. There is no such thing as a magic pill - no matter if you claim it to be natural. (which clearly supplementation is not) Anxiety is Natural - Acceptance (another misunderstood term) will do more than any pill could ever offer. Albeit the common definition to that bound up state in much need of reflection. There is no chemical solution to lifestyle related problems.

Regardless of spamming thread - thank you for the opportunity to go over this point yet again.

11-07-2016, 05:14 PM
D do not go, do not leave me alone;)
So many people come here to pray on vulnerable people, we had seen a lot of them. I think this is the wrong place , no one buys anything here:)) look for the forums where people talk about abusing benzos, you probably would have some success there.
If you want to stay be with us not against us, not to use us. :)

Brainpower Nootropics
11-08-2016, 03:02 AM
D do not go, do not leave me alone;)
So many people come here to pray on vulnerable people, we had seen a lot of them. I think this is the wrong place , no one buys anything here:)) look for the forums where people talk about abusing benzos, you probably would have some success there.
If you want to stay be with us not against us, not to use us. :)

Hey Dahila,

My post must really have come across badly so I apologise. I genuinely have zero intention of praying on the vulnerable at all. What you provided to me is what I want, genuine thoughts and feelings from people who have anxiety! If my idea is rubbish, the general consensus of your replies will confirm or reject that.

As I said my girlfriend has anxiety and is always showing me her latest herb that she says is helping, such as lavander, lemonbalm, chamomile etc. These are a literally herbs from the ground not pharma drugs like benzos, she says they help so that gives me the idea others may share the same mentality?

How does everyone else feel, are my intentions misplaced? Are you interested in helping develop a new supp and getting one free? I am not trying to sell you anything, just get feedback that is all.

Thanks for any reply, positive or negative.

Brainpower Nootropics
11-08-2016, 04:19 AM
Hey Ponder,

Thanks for your detailed comment. Again I must apologise as my post must have been insensitive, I don't suffer with anxiety myself so I cannot fully appreciate how it feels, which is why i have come here to speak to people who do.

Let me please clear up that I don't tout supplementation as a 1st line of action, I agree that diet, exercise, meditation, thankfulness, goal setting must be the things that are attempted first. But surely every avenue must be tried to see if a benefit can be obtained, surely anything that can yield an improvement in any area of your life is a positive thing?

Different herbs have different pharmacological effects on the body, that is scientific fact. Even if they don't directly cure anxiety (which they don't), if for example you have a herbal tea which makes you feel relaxed due to the L Theanine content, or take Griffonia Simplifica (5HTP) and it raises the serotonin in your brain leading to improved mood, that is a worthwhile benefit no? Sure you can say what about dependance, but you could make that argument about overeating of food and sex addiction, its up to the individual to avoid addiction, use responsibly and in a balanced way and a benefit can be obtained.

I appreciate that anxiety cannot be cured, and I would not market any new product as a miracle cure, but if its well designed by people who have tried and tested different remedies, it can be the best that nature has to offer.

You mentioned that a supplement is not natural, but the only ingredients can be as little as a hmpc capsule, which is made of cellulose (plant matter) filled with dried herbs (plants again). That is why Im asking you guys what you would want in it, so you don't get chemical crap, like other companies make..

Please correct my logic if i am wrong. Thanks for your comments.

This is why I am thinking about leaving the forum Dahila. I know I keep saying it and yet here I still am. Sigh. That alone depresses me. :( I talk more on that later in my thread.

There is No Magic Bullet to eradicate what is very much misunderstood - Anxiety. I totally agree that current definitions within this forum and the market place in general, makes the dynamic of projected emotional states incurable. None the less it's much easier to name and blame a symptom and sell off chemical solutions than it is for each of us to address core issues that lead us into such a bound up state.

So it is that I will give you what you ask ... a real opinion from a genuine suffer of anxiety; about what has helped me most:

I changed my lifestyle and made that the focus for permanent change. I learned that the problem with anxiety is not anxiety itself. I stopped blaming the symptoms and took responsibility knowing full well that there is no chemical solution for the way I and others typically live. I stopped taking my medication as I discovered it was just another form of poison not unlike much of the food that's now commonly sold. I learned that in Nature, there is no such thing as a one size fits all. I educated myself on the many factors that go into making a healthy being grow. Slowly after giving up and still today, years later find myself struggling with and coming off designer drugs consumer products and their resultant addictions. However having now developed a strong will to heal through that constant practice of syncing back in with my body and natural surroundings ... only now can I say that I feel less bound. (NOT CURED!!! - No such thing.)

Alas - like Dahlia has clearly stated "... anxiety is incurable" - for it is just as much a part of the natural world. We are not only destroying the Natural world around is with such consumeristic ideals, but also that which reside in us. HMMMM - I find that very interesting. An ecological destructive process taking place inside our mind resultant from none other than our new age mental health marker place. This of Couse includes the selling of all things natural too.

So there you go, that's my real opinion from a genuine sufferer who's actually known to of turned his life around. There is no such thing as a magic pill - no matter if you claim it to be natural. (which clearly supplementation is not) Anxiety is Natural - Acceptance (another misunderstood term) will do more than any pill could ever offer. Albeit the common definition to that bound up state in much need of reflection. There is no chemical solution to lifestyle related problems.

Regardless of spamming thread - thank you for the opportunity to go over this point yet again.

11-08-2016, 06:31 AM
None of us are identical, so what works for one person, may not work for another. Each one of us needs to find a pathway to better mental and physical health.

11-08-2016, 08:38 AM
I agree that even if you made something that works on some, it won't work on everyone. Everything in the world is like that. For some people, this may work. For some, it may relieve a little bit but I feel that given the nature of how experimental health is most probably wouldn't see any benefits.

Regardless, I filled out the survey. Good luck with whatever you do.


11-08-2016, 09:30 AM
For what it's worth, I filled out the survey, but I needed another option with the multiple choice: Never tried it. Some I had heard of and I know people use for anxiety, but I've never tried them so I have no opinion if they're essential or just okay for me. I marked "never heard of it" when this was the case.

Since you've created one supplement, I imagine you've already considered anything we say, but either way...I agree with the others about how there's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to anxiety. We all have anxiety for different reasons, and no supplement is going to target all of those reasons. There are plenty of threads here about supplements if you wanted to read through them. Some people swear by a certain one, while others say it did nothing for them. A product that "ticks all your boxes" will never exist, and companies who claim they do sound like snake oil salesmen.

So what's the purpose of the supplement? Is it for those who experience anxiety in specific situations, and they can pop a pill to calm down 1/2 an hour or so before then? Is it for those with daily, lingering anxious feelings, where they take a pill every day to not feel so jittery while awake? Is it for those with insomnia and panic attacks while sleeping, to help them calm down enough to sleep? Is it for the over-stressed, overworked, anxious because there's so much to do, and the pill will help their bodies cope with the stress, thereby lessening the anxiety? You'll either do a halfway job for many, or a great job for a few. Is it supposed to help the body repair imbalances, with the intention that the client needs the medication for a short amount of time? Or is this meant to be a lifetime supplement?

What's your goal?

11-08-2016, 11:55 AM
OP made his point herbs are very effective and work almost on everyone, I personally use my herbs, I grow and make medicine of that. I find it very helpful.
Anxiety is as old as the world and it is to protect us. It is not our fault we live in society that has a high expectation .
90% of stress we bring to our lives. Exlude things like; death of loved ones, accidents, sickness .......
The herb in capsule is not new idea, I make a mix of herbs and I could order the capsules and fill them up, but I believe in more conscious way of absorbing herbs and it's healing power.
just be careful I was called on this forum a witch doctor, you do not want this ;)
Blessed Backyard very good, thank you, :)

Brainpower Nootropics
11-09-2016, 05:13 AM
Hey Justa,

Sure, I know we can't work miracles and it won't work on everyone, but to counter that, I always offer a money back guarantee, I don't want anyones money who doesn't benefit from my products.

Appreciate you filling out the survey! :)

I agree that even if you made something that works on some, it won't work on everyone. Everything in the world is like that. For some people, this may work. For some, it may relieve a little bit but I feel that given the nature of how experimental health is most probably wouldn't see any benefits.

Regardless, I filled out the survey. Good luck with whatever you do.


Brainpower Nootropics
11-09-2016, 05:20 AM
Hey Blessed,

Appreciate you filling out the survey!

You posed some great questions, and to be honest I don't have the answer to them, I don't try to have an answer to anything that people say, as I want to learn the truth. I try not to form and opinion, and simply let the data do the talking. That is part of this exercise to understand and narrow the scope of the products effects, maybe it would be smarter to launch two individual products for different purposes?

Just talking about your experiences now, do you take a certain herb or remedy for one of the scenarios you mentioned, and did you find it beneficial?



For what it's worth, I filled out the survey, but I needed another option with the multiple choice: Never tried it. Some I had heard of and I know people use for anxiety, but I've never tried them so I have no opinion if they're essential or just okay for me. I marked "never heard of it" when this was the case.

Since you've created one supplement, I imagine you've already considered anything we say, but either way...I agree with the others about how there's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to anxiety. We all have anxiety for different reasons, and no supplement is going to target all of those reasons. There are plenty of threads here about supplements if you wanted to read through them. Some people swear by a certain one, while others say it did nothing for them. A product that "ticks all your boxes" will never exist, and companies who claim they do sound like snake oil salesmen.

So what's the purpose of the supplement? Is it for those who experience anxiety in specific situations, and they can pop a pill to calm down 1/2 an hour or so before then? Is it for those with daily, lingering anxious feelings, where they take a pill every day to not feel so jittery while awake? Is it for those with insomnia and panic attacks while sleeping, to help them calm down enough to sleep? Is it for the over-stressed, overworked, anxious because there's so much to do, and the pill will help their bodies cope with the stress, thereby lessening the anxiety? You'll either do a halfway job for many, or a great job for a few. Is it supposed to help the body repair imbalances, with the intention that the client needs the medication for a short amount of time? Or is this meant to be a lifetime supplement?

What's your goal?

11-13-2016, 08:01 AM
Hi Ash,
My anxiety displays in a variety of ways -- waking up with panic attacks in the middle of the night, a general jitteriness throughout the day, and higher anxiety about specific situations. It all depends on what part of the month I'm in, how much sleep I've gotten, if I'm extra worried about something, etc. I can't say which herb has specifically helped which scenario. Most herbs that I take are in tea form, and I go more by which one I'm drawn to that week rather than which herb might help which scenario. It's what works for me, but sorry that doesn't really help you. For anxiety, I like lemon balm, chamomile (or the Yogi calming blend with chamomile), passionflower, and kava. Eleuthero seems to help me, too. After listening to a talk about nervine herbs, I plan to buy milky oats soon. Are you an experienced herbalist or just looking at which herbs help specific symptoms? If the latter, I highly recommend hearing what the guy has to say. I don't have enough posts yet to include a link, but do a YouTube search to find "The Importance of Nervines (Breitenbush Herb Conference 2016)" posted by School of Evolutionary Herbalism.

My anxiety is closely tied to digestion and sex hormones, so I do what I can to support them as well. When it comes to herbs, that includes ginger, mint, oat straw, red raspberry leaf, cardamom and other carminatives. I can't swallow pills, so I stick with teas, tinctures, topical products, and herbs/spices mixed into foods.

Best of luck to you!

11-13-2016, 08:10 AM
Blessed try hops too, very effective for insomnia, have ever try Valeriana root?

11-13-2016, 11:17 AM
Thanks Dahila. My sleep was getting better, but then I couldn't sleep last night. I haven't tried either one but have been meaning to look into those 2.

11-13-2016, 12:43 PM
BB I have insomnia for as long as I can remember, it suppose to be effect of meds they were trying on me, when I was a child. I must be strong to survive all experimentation on me. :)
I reach for herbs due so many allergies on meds. Then herbs work differently that the best medication. It is completely different level of healing. Works for sure but slower, with much better effects. Anxiety and depression is with us from the beginning of human being:)
Not AD 10000 years ago and many reasons to be anxious,;)
I have nights I do not sleep at all even when taking pill. I got used it, this is the way I pay for stressful day ..........you must have something on your mind BB this is why:)

11-14-2016, 08:18 AM
This is why I am thinking about leaving the forum Dahila. I know I keep saying it and yet here I still am. Sigh. That alone depresses me. :( ...

Well said Ponder (I mean the whole post, not just the opening line),

For me going RAW and about 80% fruit as Robert Morse suggested has worked well. But it was VERY difficult. Herbs were great to help me detoxify, but once those adrenals kick in to full power life is much grander, and without the panic attacks :-). No meds in 2 years.

It seems the next stage of this greatest of adventure is too walk with Christ -- which I must say I was missing, it's him that lead me to get strong again and it's him I give all the glory. Now he transforms me in to a new man. I'm going to major social events now and very interested in what life has in store!

11-14-2016, 03:53 PM
You need to get to know everyone, there is plenty of sites where we can buy an anti anxiety supplement. And if a basic pill worked this forum probably wouldn't exist.

Treating anxiety is a lifestyle you live not a pill you swallow

11-14-2016, 04:42 PM
You need to get to know everyone, there is plenty of sites where we can buy an anti anxiety supplement. And if a basic pill worked this forum probably wouldn't exist.

Treating anxiety is a lifestyle you live not a pill you swallow

This ^^^^^