View Full Version : I feel like I must take photos/videos of everything important in my life

11-06-2016, 04:33 AM
Hi guys,

I'm having a problem for some time. Basically, I feel like I've to take photos/videos of all the important things in my life. It's became an obsession.

Especially everything that has to do with my girlfriend (we've been together for a year), I wants to take photos of it.

If she says to me something nice, I obsess myself because I haven't record it. If we're watching a movie together at home, hugging each other, I want to take a picture to remember that moment. If we have great sex, I wish I could record that moment. The list is endless.

When I miss the opportunity to take the picture of something I want, I don't feel well. I think about it for days/weeks and it's creating problems with my day-to-day life and overall happiness.

What can I do?

I think it's fine to take pictures/videos sometimes to remember something, but it's becoming a problem for me and I'm giving more value to that than the actual real moment.

Thank you!

11-06-2016, 06:34 AM
Well that's a Real problem, It is called Smartphone Syndrome

11-06-2016, 08:50 AM
You have got to stop this! There was some research done at one time that showed people actually enjoyed actual wonderful moments less because they were so busy recording them. You're wise to realize this is not good. That's a first step. It is going to be hard, I assure you. Start with small steps. Force yourself to not take a picture of something that is not crucial to have a picture of. You will worry about it for a while. Then, gradually, you'll move on with life and hey, you see that life goes on without that picture. You need to take more and more steps to "enjoy the live moment" and don't worry so much about keeping a record of everything.

I know..the urge is strong in the moment. But when was the last time you said, "I will absolutely die if I don't look at a picture my girlfriend and I took 8 months ago."?

11-06-2016, 08:53 AM
See a therapist and get professional help if you need to. My therapist told me I was sacrificing living in the present because of some feared out come about the future.

11-06-2016, 10:15 AM
My therapist told me I was sacrificing living in the present because of some feared out come about the future.

I actually think that's my problem. I know that I'm taking pictures of everything because if, for example, something happens to my girlfriend, I'll have photos and videos to remember her.

I know it's bad and not healthy, but that's the reason I'm doing it. If I think about it, I've never took that much pictures before meeting her (I've always took pictures because I love photography, but I had not an obsession about keeping track of every moment, I just wanted to take great photos), now I simply cannot stop. It must be some inner fear.

11-06-2016, 07:27 PM
Ask yourself this question, Do I have to? OR Do I want to?

This is the part of your post that made me think it's more than just taking pictures:
When I miss the opportunity to take the picture of something I want, I don't feel well. I think about it for days/weeks and it's creating problems with my day-to-day life and overall happiness.

My anxiety/fear is something I deal with a lot.

11-09-2016, 02:06 PM
I enjoy using the technology to record and motivate what I do. I agree when it robs you from the present then that's an issue. There will be those that do not understand and even diss on people who keep online diary's ... yet something else I have found invaluable. It is a double edge sword though. Just like any tool ... especially digital ones this day and age ... they all come with associated risks.

Do you ENJOY doing what you do? That is my question ... my gauge to what I do. Working out what you want is a fair question in my book but needs further breaking down. But within the latter comes the mind boggle - the analytic process that then drives the act of photos, videos and or whatever we do into more a burden that robs us our original intent.

For me - I care less about the number of hits, or who even sees my photos, videos, posts - Of course it is nice to be seen, heard and appreciated; but unless we can do that for ourselves, then there really is no point.

I like how you ended off with your beginning post, because I feel very much the same way. I often delete or don't care to save every photo I take. Is useful to have online I guess ... I may at times go back to draw from ... but I don't pine over looking at photos like many advertisements will dictate when selling camera's, photo services and likewise paraphernalia. Having said that thought ... there can be a positive affect on the mind to viewing media - but is rare when we live in a world that uses images as deceitfully as it does.

Is even more complex when one considers how music can be such a trigger for those of us mentally unstable. Many variable to consider.

Just do what feels right to you ... is how I am learning to use media that way I do.

Good luck with whatever you do.

11-09-2016, 05:24 PM
It’s wonderful that you are in a healthy relationship and want to capture the moments. This also can extend to your daily life as you are a person who wants to have pictures for the great moments in your life. This can be normal and it can be appreciated that you take pictures for memory purposes. Therefore, years from now you can look back at these pictures and show family and friends. There are persons who don’t take pictures or very few and they regret it later in later. On the other hand, if the pictures are obsessive and you feel you desire to take pictures of moments that shouldn’t be on camera or you feel you are taking too many pictures its good you identified this and have begun to take the necessary steps. I’m wondering if you have thought about maybe coping of not being around your phone and designate certain times for phone use of pictures?.
Best wishes!