View Full Version : Hi Guys.. New & Anxious!

11-04-2016, 02:59 PM
Hi guys.

I'm new here. I have been suffering anxiety for a while, but only realised what it was 18 months ago. After trying and failing to handle it myself, today I found the courage to see my GP about it and he is referring me to a psychiatrist.

Looking back, I can see that I have had social anxiety since childhood. In the last 5 years I have also developed general and health anxiety, which have got steadily worse so that now I'm more anxious than not. The physical symptoms are worse than the worry; palpitations, hot flashes, back muscle tension, shakiness, tearfulness etc. I also think I have mild symptoms of OCD and Cyclothymia.

I feel better now I've made that first step, I was very anxious to see my GP (that'll be my social anxiety, thinking even my Dr will judge me), but I'm still freaked out about seeing a psychiatrist. If anyone could give me an idea of what to expect I would be very grateful.

11-04-2016, 06:15 PM
It's really no sweat. Remember MILLIONS of people from around the world suffer from Anxiety disorders and Millions of people see a professional for help.

They will ask you questions about your life, lifestyle, medications etc. They may prescribe medication for you. There is quite a bit of information on this forum about the different medications and what they have done for people.

11-04-2016, 07:58 PM
Your doctor will not be judging you. Remember, he's working for you, you're paying him, so you're the one in position to judge him (even though you wouldn't). It's just simply a conversation, nothing more than that. Just a conversation. If he/she helps you great, if not, move on to one who will.

11-04-2016, 11:31 PM
Hi and welcome :)

Good on you finding the courage to see your GP about it! That's not an easy thing to do at all, so you should be proud.

I hope you get a good psychiatrist. I've been seeing one for half my life (seriously) and he's cool but there are some lousy ones out there. Try and go there with the attitude that you're the boss like Anne said, not him (or her). If you don't like him you can always find another one.

Anyway, you've already taken a huge step in admitting you need help. Good work.

Gypsy x

11-07-2016, 04:23 PM
My psychiatrist was good in the beginning, but now just prescribes me stuff, and is on vacation 24/7. I need someone to talk about my issues with. Make sure yours provides the nevessary benefits. Good luck.