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11-04-2016, 09:45 AM

Glad to have found this forum website! I have been suffering from anxiety since 12 years old. Am 44 years old now and anxiety has it's hand on my throat once again and is affecting work and relationships. My father was physically abusive and my family life was pretty traumatic in general as far as anger, alcoholism, etc...My shrink wonders if my anxiety is deep rooted as a type of PTSD from all I experienced at such a young age.

My little brother died at 26 which really hurt as we were close but then 2 days later my dad had a heart attack and died right in front of me as we were waiting for an ambulance. Years later, my twin boys were born prematurely (by four months!!) and my one baby boy only lived an hour and a half and died in my arms. Add to that a divorce 2 years later and now a new, stressful (to say the least) marriage....it's no wonder I am struggling!!!

I went to the dentist yesterday and the told me I have worn my teeth down to the dentin. They said I need to do something soon or I will grind them down to the gums in a few years. Ugh....Wearing a nightguard is not an option for me and although I have tried very hard in the last four months to find a more holistic approach for my anxiety (meditation, vitamins, breathing exercises), I feel I must try to find a good medication to help me overcome this teeth grinding.

Honestly, if marijuana was legal in my state, I would do that as it is a more natural solution and has worked in the past, but I am hoping to try something that will help calm me and help me stay focused instead of having racing thoughts all day long.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading about your journeys for inspiration.


11-04-2016, 10:18 AM
Welcome to the forum debinsky. Have you ever thought of trying therapy? Being able to talk out your problems could be helpful for you in your struggles.

11-04-2016, 10:25 AM
Welcome to the forum debinsky. Have you ever thought of trying therapy? Being able to talk out your problems could be helpful for you in your struggles.

Hi there! Yes, I went to therapy when my dad first got sick with his cancer in 2002 and it helped for a long time. I recently went back and it helps but I know it will take a long time. It definitely helps to talk but because of some of the traumatic events, it also triggers anxiety having to relive those dark moments all over again.

I do plan on staying in therapy for as long as it takes this time and facing all of those things. Hopefully, it will help resolve them and give me some good coping skills. I am wondering if Benzos would help me in the interim. I hate the thought of being on something long term but would love a temporary help while I am finding my way.

11-04-2016, 03:25 PM
If my state (California) does pass that Marijuana is legal I may try it for my panic and anxiety attacks

11-05-2016, 03:11 PM
Hey I am new to the board myself. Don't know if I can really offer up any suggestions but wanted to be supportive. I hope you can find the help and for sure the peace you need.

11-08-2016, 01:20 PM
Hi debinsky! Welcome to the forum. I'm new to the board as well. Let me know if I can answer any questions around marijuana. I've been taking medical marijuana for the past few months along with CBT and other medications. It's worked pretty well for my anxiety/depression.