View Full Version : GAD, OCD, Panic Disorder w/ Agoraphobia, Health phobias :(

10-25-2008, 01:42 AM
Hi everyone!

I am new to the forums, been suffering from several Axis I disorders since I'm 12, with OCD and health phobias being my main problem lately. I don't go out by myself and I don't eat outside for fear of contamination/food-borne illness. I don't believe I have compulsions (i.e wash my hands more than usual, at least not alot more than usual :lol: ) but I do have plenty of obsessions that are highly distressing and cause me insomnia.

I don't take medication because ironically, I'm afraid of chemicals/drugs (not sure what the phobia is called) lol . My biggest frustration lately is that I started thinking about having a kid (I'm 28 and have been with the same person for 6 years) but in doing some research I came across the [God forsaken] information that "morning sickness occurs in 80% of women" ... AND that there is a (not so) rare disorder called Hyperemesis Gravidarum where it is uncontrollable and almost untreatable.

80%?!? is that even true?? Well I'll be damned :ack:

My mom tells me that she met NO ONE who had it... now I think she's lying ;)

Needless to say, I've abandoned my plans to get pregnant even though I wanted a kid (at least for now). I am very angry at the fact that I made that decision but at the same time I am very much afraid of morning sickness ... and I have no words to even describe how I feel at the possibility that there is a 1 in 200 chance that I will get that extreme type. I'm just aggravated :cranky: I should have probably not researched about pregnancy in the first place.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great weekend! :wave:

10-25-2008, 08:09 AM
welcome dorothy :)

this may be a stupid question since you have been suffering with OCD for such a long time, but have you gotten any help for it? i know you say you're not on meds, but have you gone to any kind of therapy or looked into alternative methods?

if you're thinking about having a baby then you need to get yourself into the best of health possible! this includes mental health. my boyfriend grew up with a dad who had bad OCD and basically it made life hell for his family, there is a lot of bitterness and bad feeling as a result of his terrible need for control, it's very sad to see. so you really need to think about what you're doing, morning sickness shouldn't put you off wanting to become a mum, but if you're thinking like that then you definitely should seek some help. getting pregnant is a huge event for any woman, you should be able to research it and know all about what is best for you without getting freaked out, it's supposed to be joyous :)