View Full Version : Please Help!

11-03-2016, 08:00 AM
For the past six months my anxiety has been growing and growing, and now it is unstoppable. Over the past month it has been reaching its peak. I haven't been able to get rid of my back ache, head ache, neck ache, digestilon problems, or clear the lump in my throat. I've been trying to get into a psychiatrists office since the beginning; Unfortunately there is only one office that accepts my insurance, and I have been calling nonstop waiting for an opening. In the mean time, I have been doing self-help and breathing exercises, which worked at first, but the anxiety is strong, and now it's winning. Nothing has been helping. Today I am scared for myself. I'm worried about blacking out and doing something radical, because I no longer feel my brain is under my control. What can I do today? Is there somewhere I can go? It seems like medication may be my last hope. I'm worried I don't have enough time to fix this anymore. My thoughts are terrifying. Please tell me what to do.

11-03-2016, 08:27 AM
If you're not getting enough exercise then start walking 30-45 minutes a day and it sounds like you could probably use a magnesium supplement for the time being. It does give a decent amount of relief and could help you

11-03-2016, 08:59 AM
How do you think, why your anxiety was growing?

11-03-2016, 01:01 PM
I had much of what you had 2 years ago. The lump in my throat was the worst when driving or trying to get to sleep. Anyhow, I detoxed for 2 years. I went 100% RAW, 80% Fruit (80/10/10 Diet) and in the first week exploded with zits and rashes everywhere, especially in my neck area. I don't have those issues anymore. I remember it well, my brain just seemed to get more and more out of control, couldn't sit still, finally one day it 'popped' and a slew of emotions came flying out. After that I went from med to med for awhile, finally I found what worked for me. 1. Robert Morse, ND, 2. A good natural path 3. 80/10/10 Diet, 4. Some CBT helped me identify some issues by name and the acceptance of Christ in the end (After my body was functioning again). Now my real journey of life has begun! I don't use any stimulants, don't use any drugs (legal or otherwise). Not even coffee. If you want to PM me no problem. I know some of that pain, it was horrible.

Too me, digestion is central to health. Mine was horrible - pre breakdown.

11-03-2016, 01:17 PM
You should to get advice a Doctor.

11-03-2016, 02:25 PM
For the past six months my anxiety has been growing and growing, and now it is unstoppable. Over the past month it has been reaching its peak. I haven't been able to get rid of my back ache, head ache, neck ache, digestilon problems, or clear the lump in my throat. I've been trying to get into a psychiatrists office since the beginning; Unfortunately there is only one office that accepts my insurance, and I have been calling nonstop waiting for an opening. In the mean time, I have been doing self-help and breathing exercises, which worked at first, but the anxiety is strong, and now it's winning. Nothing has been helping. Today I am scared for myself. I'm worried about blacking out and doing something radical, because I no longer feel my brain is under my control. What can I do today? Is there somewhere I can go? It seems like medication may be my last hope. I'm worried I don't have enough time to fix this anymore. My thoughts are terrifying. Please tell me what to do.

Go to your closest ER especially if you are having suicidal ideations and are planning. They will keep you supervised until they can find you placement.

I am not sure if you are in the US but a lot of states and counties have free services that will come evaluate you and help you get to where you need to be. Just search for crisis services in your area.

It terrible how long ppl have to wait to see a dr in the mental health field. The brain is nothing to mess with when its unhealthy.

Best of luck and keep yourself safe!

11-03-2016, 06:25 PM
I would say either go to an ER or if you already have a general practitioner that you can get a hold of contact them and explain the situation. They might be able to give you medication to take until you can get in to see the psychiatrist. I have been to the ER once after not being able to sleep for days due to anxiety and they gave me an IV of lorazepam to calm me down and helped me get an appointment to see a psychiatrist a few days later.

11-03-2016, 08:13 PM
Look for the hot line, there are few of them in every city. Us or Canada. If not go to ER, but tell doc honestly tell what is going on with you. I have been there a few times and it is awful. Pain, does not matter mental or physical will cause and break down.
Obviously something happened in your life that you feel you have not control anymore. You need help, few pills to calm you down and in meantime you will work on strategy.
try this it is guided meditation by Jon kabat zinn, and it may calm u down. You already are trying to calm yourself down. Have a chamomile tea, or if you have lemon balm tea, You could make a weak tea add some lemon and honey, drink slowly...............sipping will temporarily occupy you......

11-03-2016, 11:33 PM
I agree with jones27 go to the nearest ER.. don;t wait .. your mind needs a rest my friend !

11-04-2016, 02:57 AM
I would say either go to an ER or if you already have a general practitioner that you can get a hold of contact them and explain the situation. They might be able to give you medication to take until you can get in to see the psychiatrist. I have been to the ER once after not being able to sleep for days due to anxiety and they gave me an IV of lorazepam to calm me down and helped me get an appointment to see a psychiatrist a few days later.

This sounds like the best possible outcome to me. I've always avoided going to the ER because unless you're about to drop dead they can make you wait forever. But it depends on where and when you go I guess.. You could strike it lucky like this person.

Anyway, what kind of terrifying thoughts are you having? Getting them out in the open often helps a lot because they "fester" when left to their own devices. Do you have any friends or family that could come over and just hang out with you?

I hope you're feeling a little better by now..
Gypsy x

11-04-2016, 04:02 AM
Here in Baltimore, their are 2 large regional hospitals that will usually take you back within 30 minutes or less. Their are
other hospitals in the area where the wait can be longer. You have to know where to go here.

11-04-2016, 10:23 AM
IN Canada your average wait time is 4 h, when there is many accidents it can go as long as 10 h