View Full Version : Recommended Book Reading List

11-01-2016, 11:00 PM
I'm just wondering what books people are reading right now to help them cope with Anxiety.

Right now I'm reading DARE by Barry Mcdonagh.

Most of this seems to be just common sense or widely recommended elsewhere. Avoid Caffeine, exercise, Magnesium supplements etc/

His Big thing is an acronym D.A.R.E. which stands for Defuse, Accept, Run to, Engage. It basically means when Anxiety comes, give a "so what" kind of response, allow whatever your feeling to just continue and don't fight it, seek more of the anxiety out (run towards) then distract yourself with activity.

Seems a little contradictory though. I mean isn't the whole point of supplements to help avoid anxiety?

I'm giving his system a chance. I have been trying it out for the past 22 days and he suggests giving it 30 days. So far I have noticed a big drop in my anxiety but I dont know if that is supplements, exercise etc...or "dare".

11-02-2016, 12:20 AM
I like the sound of that :)

I think I mentioned my book to you (can't remember who it was, sorry) - "The Happiness Trap" by Russ Harris - based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). The common thread between DARE and ACT is "Accept", which Claire Weekes is big on as well (one of her mottos is "Loosen and Accept"). The Happiness Trap also talks about "defusion".

The contradiction is an interesting concept. One way of looking at it is the supplements, exercise and avoidance of caffeine target the BODY and the acceptance targets the MIND (I would call it the "egoic mind" - the conscious part that likes to think it's in control of everything - based on books on Mindfulness like "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle). Claire Weekes talks a lot about the "first fear", which is basically the flight or fight mechanism and can be linked to the body doing it's normal thing. Then she talks about how anxious types add to the first fear and that's where acceptance/defusion comes in. So on the one hand you are trying to help your body with the supplements etc, and on the other hand you are learning to not over-react to any feelings of anxiety and add to them.

I hope that makes sense, and as I say, I like the sound of DARE!

11-02-2016, 04:02 AM
I like the book Worry by Edward Hallowell.

Boo Bass
11-02-2016, 05:34 AM
I bought a book At Last A Life by David Paul and it was a total rehash of Claire Weekes. She has no equal

11-02-2016, 06:21 AM
The Detox Miracle --Morse
80/10/10 Diet --Graham

100% RAW, 80% Fruit -- Crushed my anxiety. Stay frosty.