View Full Version : Need some advice!

11-01-2016, 08:21 PM
Okay guys I'm gonna try to keep this short. I had my "nervous breakdown" like over - year and a half ago. It was panic attack after panic attack for a long time. When the "initial attack" started I was in my hometown visiting my Nana and my cousin with my newborn baby. Well, I've grown since then but recently had a ssri poop out on me and started new meds which seem to be working, just not as good as my celexa was. Anywho, I couldn't visit my hometown for like 2 months because of the medicine switching and such. I went down this past weekend because my cousin (same one mentioned before) had a baby! (FINALLY!) Before I leave my house my papaw calls saying my 18 yo brother had been arrested for a DUI. I started getting nervous but went anyway because I knew my Mom needed me. Well, when I get to my Nana and Papaws my brother admits to shooting up. I take my nerve medication and try to not think about it because needle tracks on my baby brother makes me want to scream. Anywho, my cousin with the baby doesn't get home til Sunday afternoon, when I have to leave and before she got home I experienced a panic symptom I haven't had since high school. My face and ears and neck got super hot, then came the pass out feeling. I hurried across the road saw the baby for 5 min and left.

Here's my problem now. Next week is my brother's court date and my mom is off work all week so she wants to go down to visit for like 3 or 4 days. I'm nervous about it because of the face getting hot and stuff. I'm scared I'll freak out again even though I kinda know I won't. Just need some advice or thoughts! Thank you!

11-01-2016, 08:39 PM
Well I know from personal experience it's advice that's impossible to follow when you have anxiety but try not to worry about it. Anyone even without anxiety problems would be anxious and stressed in this type of situation. I would assume the worst of the anxiety is over from this situation (just the initial shock of it) and you hopefully won't face that much anxiety again anytime soon.

Hope your feeling better and your brother gets the help he needs.

11-02-2016, 06:32 AM
Hey Lash,

Same here around 2 years ago. Same stuff -- horrible, was almost sent away to live out my days. Now I run my business and my issues are going away rapidly -- haven't have a panic attack for over a year. For me it was;
1. Understanding the Lymphatic System
2. 100% RAW Food, 80% Fruit for some time
3. Good Naturalpath, Homiopathics, Herbs etc.
4. Finally accepted Christ in to my heart.

Anxiety, panic -- destroyed.

Go to the site RAWFIGS (It's a search engine for Robert Morse), search anxiety, understand your glands, your adrenals the brain is secondary. Good luck, PM me if you ever need info.

11-07-2016, 05:21 PM
Okay guys I have somewhat of an update. My brother took off in Friday and my nana called me and my mom Saturday because he had been gone 24 hours. He finally came home and he had been at my cousins house who also does drugs. Anywho last night I got a call from my nana hysterically freaking out because he got into it with my papaw for not giving him money and left walking. Note that they live the countryside and anywhere he could go would at least be a 2 hour walk or so. Finally figured out he is back with my cousins probably using. My mom is going down to file caseys law on him and wants me and my son to go with her. If we stay here were basically stuck in the house and by ourselves but I'm afraid if I go it will all be too much! What do you guys think? Please give opinions and advice. I have to make a decision soon.