View Full Version : Hello Everyone

11-01-2016, 01:02 PM

I am new here and thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm 32 years old and was diagnosed for anxiety and depression about half a year ago. It was rough for me the past couple years and only when my wife and family forced me to seek help, I did. I wish I had found this forum earlier or gone to see a doctor to seek help.

I was in denial and didn't want the stigma attached to mental health. I thought that I could "man up" and get through it on my own, but it took my family and a night where I scared myself. I seriously contemplated suicide and glad I didn't go through with it. I sought help the next day once I realized this was not something I could just overcome on my own.

Since then I've done CBT combined with several medications. It's still an on-going battle, but I feel much better than before.

Thanks all and glad to be here!

11-01-2016, 04:52 PM
Welcome to the forum. I empathize with you about being in denial and thinking we could get through it on our own. Glad to hear you've sought help!

11-02-2016, 11:29 PM
Hey rich glad to hear you are improving! Stick around we would love to have you.

I think most men try to man up but it is probably the worst strategy if you want a fulfilling life. Sometimes the ego has to be put in the backseat

11-02-2016, 11:57 PM
Hi and welcome here :)

11-03-2016, 01:32 PM
Dear anxiouserich
I know the loneliness you are feeling. I too once contemplated those actions but am glad those actions didn’t come to fruition. During that time, I felt alone, confused, and angry. I thought also to “man-up” but that also didn’t work. I sought non-professional help which was the end of that issue in my life. The help that I sought after was family involvement because I knew that my family where place in my life to support me. The activities we did brought much joy in my life which helped me to see that I had value and didn’t have to have all the answers. That is what I thought I needed to “man-up” about but instead I did man-up by drawing closer to those who knew me best. Now I get to share that manning-up lesson with my fourteen-year-old son who gets to learn from my mistakes and better choices than I did. See manning-up or Stepping up is not about making all the right choices and just surviving it’s about sharing the lessons we faced and overcame. This in return brings a sense of purpose and hope to not only you but to those you are helping, and this is what brings stability and peace of mind to you and those who learn from you.

11-06-2016, 03:16 PM
Welcome! So glad you reached out to others and that you are finding friends here. The path is never easy, but it is always brighter ahead. Let us know if you need anything.

11-08-2016, 01:04 PM
Thank you all for making me feel so welcome! I'm glad to have found this forum.

11-08-2016, 01:38 PM
It is always a pleasure to support. Peace be with you :)

11-09-2016, 11:41 PM
Welcome! Glad that you are experiencing some positive results with the CBT and medications. Do you still feel that there is a stigma attached to your mental health status?