View Full Version : Supplemets.

10-30-2016, 03:29 PM
Hi everyone, Need some help Everyone as told me to take B12 and Magnesium citrate for my anxiety, others have said take them seperate and others have said take them in a multivitamin. Just want to know whats the best to take in a multivitamin or seperate!

10-30-2016, 05:42 PM
Generally speaking mutlivitamins don't do a lot of good if you already have a balanced diet. I'd say stick with B12 and Magnesium. I think Magnesium and 5-htp are the two best supplements to start off.

10-31-2016, 02:30 AM
It says take b12 one table tas its 100 and the magnesium 100mg says take 3 times a day when the best time to take these tablets? can i take both together??

10-31-2016, 05:52 AM
The trouble with taking advice online with regards to nutrition is that we are all different. Everything that has been listed here and more is on my kitchen bench. Age, Gender, History, Environment, Activity, and a LOT more variables come into play which makes taking the advice from others ... even the professionals rather hit and miss. When it comes to queries like these, the only way to know for sure is to try it for yourself. Of course a little knowledge goes a long way, just don't expect others to have the answers for what will work for you. It does not work like that ... although many will make all kinds of claims.

My experience is as follows. After making the decision, learning and going through the process of coming off my meds, I embraced changing my "life style"in order to settle my angst. DIET was Huge on that list. First Up ... I can tell you that eating Junk Food or any of the Processed Crap will Negate (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=Negate&rlz=1C1AVNE_enAU680AU680&oq=Negate&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) any kind of effect you expect to gain from taking a supplement. I have tried, so for me ... I know. It's been what feels like 2 years now ... close enough ... Only since I went through the transition of eating a whole foods plant based diet, did I really start to feel the positive effect that comes from consuming something with real nutrition.

Junk & process foods, as well as alcohol and smoking ... destroy our bodies - so much so that most of us are unable to absorb nutrient based foods or supplementation. Especially for those who take medications. They claim that you need supplementation when on any of these debilitating poisons ... Medicine being a grey area of course which only the suffer can gauge the less of evils. Point is - FOR ME, and I can only speak for me - (the rest is just begging the question) Giving up the Poison (which I class medication was for me [completely fucked me up with a wide variety of other illnesses] was the only way that I could benefit from supplementation. NOTE - It's only just now .. two years later that I can say such a thing. After going from whole food plant based ... to experimenting with RAW and Vegan + fasting ... with continual exercise and healthy outdoor exposure ... have I finally been able to feel supplementation working.

NOW - re the balanced diet not needing sups ... for me such a claim is not true ... and I also know this is not the case for others I personally know. Just as I claim medications are poison to me, I know that for others - whilst side affects are common, the good outweighs the bad ... some people can only gain a balance with the introduction of a synthetic intervention. I have missing parts that can no longer produce this or that chemical. Sups like Vitamin D are very helpful. Especially for the older people who's bodies a breaking down. I take vitamin B 12 from time to time as well as 6 ... but mostly I benefit from D. I avoid taking B12 after morning ... and one should also have it on an empty stomach. Its not a simple affair ... its rather a complex thing.

The truth for me, and it is exactly in this light that I have said many times before → "The is no chemical solution for lifestyle related problems" - If you really want to ease the pain of living in such a busy and pent up world, then change the way you live and get back in sync with your body. Only when the body is clean, can it learn to absorb nutrients. When you achieve this ... the need for vitamins and minerals are best sourced from food - however there are a few exceptions.

Anxiety is actually a natural response from core related issues. Marketing Anxiety as the monster rather than the way we live creates the need whilst keeping us sick. Of course ...that's a little to advance for the kids. NO - popping sups is not going to cure the incurable. For the right people who have a clean system and know how to take them ... then for those people, supplementation can help them handle a little more stress.

Srry I could not sugar coat is more than that. Is how I have come to see from my effort over the last few years. I take a few sups, and still need to learn on how to take them ... but I have also had to work hard on healing my body so I can feel the difference after being on them long enough. I am still prone to anxiety and depression ... fact is ... no pills will ever make us immune to that.

The best way to avoid foaming up your lungs or neutralizing the effects with miss matching ... is not to take any. Just change the way you live.

All the best with whatever way you go. Each to their own.

The Intolerable Kid
10-31-2016, 06:48 AM
I take B12 (by itself) and I feel that it benefits me.

10-31-2016, 09:59 AM
I take sublingual B-12 once a day 5000mcg on the advice of an alternative physician.