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View Full Version : Should I go on medication?

10-24-2008, 12:48 AM
Hi all. New in town.

Late into last year, October/November-ish. I came down with a really bad case of Anxiety. But it wasn't that bad, watching movies or doing something I enjoy did help. But during that time I spent a lot of time in Bed because I felt so dizzy and weak. Not the mention the amount of panic I had to endure.

Just as Christmas was starting to roll in my Anxiety started to ware off intill I was my old self. Now I'm normally a very happy and a person who enjoys to laugh so it felt great being my old self again.

As Christmas past, and the new year rolled on I was fine. I didn't even think or, even remember being the way I was last year. But right intill the end of this summer I started to feel the same. This time much worse. I could do anything I enjoyed like last time because they felt so useless and so I started to become tired, dizzy and weak. Thus I retreated to my bed.

That batch, didn't last as long. So I've spent around a couple of weeks before another batch arrived, and this is the worse I've ever felt. My sleep pattens are so messed up, I sleep during the day and spend half my night alone. Which does nothing more than just raise my anxiety.

I'm not sure what to do. I've somehow been able to sweat the last attacks out of my system but I've gotten to the point where I just can't go on. I'm 18 at the end of the year and that is an important chapter in my life but I don't want to spend it being all depressed and panicfilled. I once tried to talk to my mom about me being on medication but she didn't react in the way I had hoped. But none the less she did take me to see my GP (Doctor.) Who wouldn't proscribe me anything so instead he sent me to a phycartrist.

I'm not sure if I should ask for any medication or not. I also have Autism and worried that I may gain side-effects. I tend to ramble on, but. I really do need some advice.

10-24-2008, 10:55 AM
I know your situation. I turn 18 in a month and have had to suffer with anxiety on and off. You get overwhelmed with a feeling of having to deal with this your whole life. Wich can be depressing at a young age.

Ive had horrible experiances with phycologists. I feel like none of them actually understand because ive never seen one that actually has been through anxiety themselves. And this forum will probably help you a lot more than any phycologist could. If anything see a holistic doctor. They can help you with more natural practices like breathing exercises.

Just make sure to take time out for yourself and do relaxing things such as painting, exercising, things like that. I know you said you are having trouble watching movies and such that you enjoy but you need to be active. I can garantee you will feel so much better if you just walk an hour each day. Or ride your bike. Also. Diet is VERY important. You want to make sure to eat foods that will keep your blood sugar low. And if you eat meat make sure you fallow the pyramid!

As far as medication goes. I wouldnt suggest anti-depressents or SSI's ive heard too many bad stories. And it could potentially lead to making your anxiety worse.

I take Buspar. Its a medication that was specifically made for anxiety. All it does it makes sure my seritonin is level so i can control my anxiety more. Its worked out good so far.

The number one thing you have to remember is to stay positive. You control what your body does. And you can mentally overcome anxiety. Dont let anyone else tell you somthing other wise.

10-24-2008, 01:43 PM
duane welcome to the forum, sorry to see you in such distress.

i just wanted to ask have you looked into any other ways to treat anxiety like looking at diet, exercise, relaxation techniques or therapy?? there are a lot of things that you can do other than or along with medication :) i'm happy to share some things that helped me if you'd like to know!

10-26-2008, 07:55 PM
Thanks for the replies guys.

My anxiety has slowly been going down the past week. Right now I'm a bit, ugh.

I've done the things for diet and relaxation. Which have helped the most, I haven't done anything along with exercise since I'm not in a physcial condestion yet. :roll:

But I'm still thinking about medication. I've never thought about asking about anti-depressents or SSI's either because I've heard the same stories. I see my phycartrist this thursday so I'll see how that pans out.

But thank you both for the advice. That in it's own right has lifted me. :)