View Full Version : Acid reflux (heart burn) and anxiety

10-30-2016, 08:12 AM

My gastroeosophagus reflux disease (GERD) was under control until recent. My nighttime anxiety is immensely bad, and it seems to be triggering symptoms of acid reflux, despite me taking my medicine to counter this (proton pump inhibitor). Can anyone relate to this? Most of my anxiety comes from the fear of not being able to fall asleep, or anticipating the agitation of not falling asleep. I feel horrible right now, mostly due to the myself being sleep deprived. I have been to the toilet 4 times in the past hour due to bowel movement caused by anxiety....
I have not slept well in weeks, and now this new problem has just arrived. If anyone can share some tips that would be great. Thanks

10-30-2016, 08:36 AM
you need to lower the secretion of stomach acid, temporary relieve after drinking milk, eating dill pickles, taking a bit of baking soda on the tip of teaspoon. or mix with water and drink to change a bit to alkaline.
I would check for Hyplorii bacteria, when i had it I was suffering so much, could not eat, sleep, constant pain and heartburn.
As soon as I feel beginning of heartburn, I unfreeze my kefir grains and make kefir, it has 50 strains of living probiotic bacteria and helps with it. My hubby had Gerd for years he is free of it for two years. we had kefir everyday for a year at least. I do not eat pizza so not reason for me to have heartburn, sugar was causing it in me too. Do not eat before bed, the last time should be at least 4 hours before sleep. Flax meal will help with it too.......Anxious people unfortunately have this problem...

10-30-2016, 12:13 PM
Thanks Dahila. I'll try some of your tips. It's past 6hours and I'm still in bed. I'm thinking whether I should take a sleeping tablet.

10-30-2016, 02:32 PM
Sleep deprivation can amplify any symptom. Melatonin is a natural pill you can use to help get the sleep you need.
You can buy it at any pharmacy or natural drug store. My wife has used Melatonin with success in the past. A Probiotic
may also be advised. You can use Florastor or the like. Florastor was recommended to me by my GI physician and I have been
taking it for years. My GI physician also told me that stress can cause many digestive issues such as increase in GERD,
diarrhea, etc. A Hiatal Hernia can also cause GERD. They typically are benign, but can cause upper GI issues. They are
diagnosed via EGD or barium swallow. I hope you feel better soon.

10-30-2016, 04:24 PM
Thanks Dahila. I'll try some of your tips. It's past 6hours and I'm still in bed. I'm thinking whether I should take a sleeping tablet.

Only if you can not calm yourself down to sleep, what about having a chamomile tea, it is proofed that is has a calming quality, very good for us, the process of sipping the tea will calm you down a bit, maybe it is enough . I tend to take my lemon balm extract (I made it myself , I grow a lot of herbs in my garden) Lemon balm tea aka Melissa is very well known sleep helper:))

10-30-2016, 04:26 PM
Kirk with all due respect Melatonin will not help to fell asleep, but it will help with quality of sleep. When you fall asleep, with melatonin you sleep longer:)

10-30-2016, 10:01 PM

I strongly recommend reading Why Stomach Acid Is Good For You written by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright.
This book really saved me from suffering from acid reflux, after 2 years of having it.

If you already haven't had an H-pilory blood test, you should consider having it.

Best wishes,

10-31-2016, 09:47 PM
I have taken melatonin and although I have had some sleep (mainly broken sleep since I woke up twice), I wouldn't consider it a good nights sleep. I actually feel depressed and a little agitated about the fact that it takes me so long to fall asleep. Does melatonin make you feel this way ?

The Intolerable Kid
11-01-2016, 06:06 AM
Dahila: "Do not eat before bed, the last time should be at least 4 hours before sleep"
I agree 100% with this one. Yogurt and tea are good things to have as well, especially before bed. When I have had a really bad attack, sometimes in the past I could sleep better in a recliner than lying down in a bed. It seemed to me like that posture helped keep some pressure off of the esophagus. I hope you feel better.

11-01-2016, 07:27 AM
Meditation is a pretty good tool. When you meditating your body have a good response, it calms down, stops firing all impulses, and as consequences (nice one) of this process , stomach acid is secreted in very small dose. :)
Do not forget that coffee will make it worse :)

08-26-2017, 08:43 PM
Ive struggled with stomach problems for 20 years now. Each time i feel a little different my anxiety goes off. I am dealing with it now. Feels like gerd and pressure on my abdomen. I havent been sleeping well either. Anyone find anything that helps. The bloating is killing me and it makes me feel like there is more problems with me than there is. I went to the ER and they didnt find anything, which i knew they wouldnt. Appreciate any help.