View Full Version : Jest keep swimming.

10-29-2016, 07:14 PM
First off I want to start with saying that im not trying to brag or make anyone feel bad, the point of this post is to show you that life can go from a living hell to everything youve ever wanted in the blink of an eye. So ive been through a lot, and trust me thats no understatement. I grew up with my mom being gone for months at a time, she was a really bad alcoholic and did her fair share of drugs. So I grew up in empty houses, with no power or water, hungry, breaking into houses and doing anything I could only to make enough money to feed my little sister, and not have enough for myself. Ive been shot at, and I have seen people actually get shot, some of those times were fatal. My best friend was shot in the face three times twenty feet away from me. A year later one of my friends got shot in the face with a shotgun while I was sitting on the other side of the room from him, there was nothing left of his face after that, and I mean nothing. And yet another one of my friends got both of his knee caps blown out with a shotgun, the worst part is he survived that, only to kill himself three months later because he lost both his legs. I still miss all of them greatly. Like I said, ive been through a lot. Ive been homeless, ive been cold, and hungry, and I mean very hungry. I even spent three years locked inside my room because of my skin. Because my depression, self confidence, and mental stability were so bad that I let a little teenage acne destroy my mentality. I actually consider my mindstate at that time to be a mental illness, if not close to it, because it was that bad. Because I didnt leave my room for a year straight, and thats the honest to gods truth. It got so bad I would only order food at night time so nobody could see my face, and I even took the light bulb out of the front porch so the delivery guy would stop trying to turn it on. It was so bad I didnt even show my face to my own mom, not like she was ever there, but when she was I would hide my face from her. Because I thought I was a monster. I would spend all day every day in front of the bathroom mirror crying, and telling myself I was worthless, that I was ugly, and that nobody would ever love me. I hate myself for ever putting myself through that. But eventually I overcame it. And shortly after that is when I became homeless. After a long time my uncle took me in and gave me a job, taught me how to paint. I excelled at it. I fell in love with it. I finally got my own place again, and then I fell thirty feet onto concrete and literally snapped my leg in half. I broke my ankle and my foot completely disconnected from my leg as well. I broke my knee and tore some tendons in my other knee. Im fine now but shortly after I fell off that ladder I fell in love for the first time, for so long I told myself I was ugly, so when I finally realized someone could love me it was amazing. We spent every day together, she took care of me during the year it took me to recover from my accident. She even told me she wanted to marry me and have my children. And then she left me out of nowwhere for her ex. It took me six months to get over that. Now im engaged to a wonderful woman. But anyways, once I finally got over her and met the girl who is now my fiance, I got arrested and charged with two class 2A felonies, one of which carried a 50 year max prison sentence. It took 5 months, one of the best lawyers in the nation, and damn near $10,000 to finally get everything figured out. Im blessed because I got my felonies dropped and somehow just got two years probation, but for that five months my mind was a mess. I was so scared I was going to spend the rest of my life in prison. Ive been through a lot, but I never gave up. And im so glad I didnt, because ive just been given the oppurtinity of a life time. Recently I started my own painting business, and its been tough, but I never cut corners and I always, and I mean always, did the best I could do. And because of that a very wealthy man saw my work and asked for my number, hes now mentoring me on how to create, sustain, and expand a multi million dollar business. Which he has done, and his business is still expanding twenty years later. He is teaching me everything I need to know to surpass every other business owner whos plateaued because they dont possess the knowledge necessarry to create continual growth, the things hes spent his whole life learning. And on top of that hes given me a basically never ending supply of work. Hes helped me create an outline, and hes going to help me achieve it. Hes predicted my first year im going to make at least $150,000. And within three years ill make my first million, im already making $16,000 a month, and thats just by myself. First he helped me create my business, then he gave me the work, and now hes helping me expand it. Soon I will be able to sit back and run my business from afar, while my employees do all of the work. I wont even have to do paperwork because hes shown me a way to have it automatically done throughout the day, which saves so much time and in turn money. Very soon I will be travelling the world, doing everything ive ever wanted, living the life I deserve. And I would have NEVER gotten to where I am if I gave up, if I told myself life was too hard, if I let my depression and anxiety, or my fear of failure stop me from pushing forward. The point of this very long and in depth post is simple, just believe, in yourself, in your dreams, in your worth. Just dont give up. No matter what. Because whatever you're going through will pass eventually, trust me on that. If I wouldve killed myself because of my skin, or because of that bitch that broke my heart, or because I have a leg full of metal, I wouldnt be where I am today. I wouldnt be happy. And im so glad I didnt because I deserve to be happy damnit, we all deserve to be happy. Especially all of us on this website, especially us, every single one of us. The ones with acne, the ones who are considered overweight, the ones with severe crippling social anxiety, it doesnt matter who you are or what your mind tells you is wrong with you, you deserve to be happy. And let me tell you it feels so fucking good to be happy. Im not going to sit here and lie to your faces and pretend like I dont have my bad days, because thats impossible. But now instead of occasionally having a good day, I occasionally have a bad day, and it feels fucking amazing. So just dont give up. Thats really all I wanted to say. Just never give up, because someday youll be happier than you couldve ever imagined, and youll be so thankful to the person you are today. Youre all beautiful and you all deserve to be truly happy, and fuck anyone who tells you otherwise, including yourselves if you spend you your days putting yourselves down like I used to.

10-29-2016, 07:26 PM
Hi I had never met you and now when I spend some time, reading every word of your post , I am speechless. It is so beautiful. The way u write the way your life went, with such difficult time having so many responsibilities, dealing with loss, alcoholic, then your own struggling with body image, Men I admire people who never give up. I had seen a lot. I am an old woman now. Yes the key is to believe in yourself and keep positive and work. There always will be obstacles but also the happy hours, days, Keep this way, I achieved so much. I am really proud of you.
All forum whiners should read your tread and learn from it, Never give up!!!
You are fantastic:)) An excellent addition to our forum:)

10-30-2016, 05:09 PM
Wow, I don't know what to say. What I just read is so amazing, beautiful and inspiring. You've been through a lot but you never gave up and kept trying, that just shows how amazing and strong you are.

Now that I look at my problems, they're not even close to yours but I still sometimes lose hope. But if a person could go through so much and still push through it, then so can I.

Thank you for sharing your story and spreading out motivation, you're helping yourself and others. You have my respect. :)

01-12-2017, 12:28 AM
Thank you everyone, knowing that my story can inspire other people honestly makes it all worth it. And I completely understand why because one of the things that got me through it all was knowing that someone, somewhere out there, had it ten times worse. My father for example. Weve been through some rough patches but that man is my superman, without going into detail hes told me stories thats made me cry for him, knowing hes had to go through such horrible things. It truly helps to realize that things could be a lot worse.