View Full Version : Head Injury Before Panic Attacks

10-28-2016, 10:12 AM
**Possible trigger for those with health anxiety**

Ever heard of Dr. Amen and SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) imaging? Brain SPECT imaging gives info on blood flow and activity patterns of the brain. I read one of Dr. Amen's books, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, where he describes various mental illnesses caused by brain injuries, including depression, anxiety, personality changes, and OCD, among others. He says he's performed thousands of brain SPECT scans and is basically to the point where he can say what part of your mental health is affected based on the position of the damage.

I say this because I really wish I was able to visit one of his clinics, or any place that does SPECT imaging. I received a mild concussion at work last year and had to get stitches in my head. It was the second time in my life that I understood the phrase "seeing stars." I had anxiety before that, but there were always triggers of worrying about something. After the concussion, panic attacks started without any noticeable triggers. I would be perfectly fine and having a good time, until panic came out of nowhere. I've said elsewhere that I've noticed a monthly pattern to my anxiety, so I suspect a hormone imbalance, but that's more of an overall jittery feeling throughout certain days. It's like anxiety is my body's go-to symptom for anything that's out of whack.

Anyway, Dr. Amen recommends many lifestyle and diet changes, but he can also tailor the supplements and medications much better than an average psychiatrist. He knows what part of the brain needs help, so it's supposed to be much less trial and error. Just thought I'd share in case anyone is interested in finding out what their brain is doing.

10-28-2016, 12:41 PM
Thank you for the recommendation and I hope you feel better soon.

11-01-2016, 08:31 PM
Just a thought here but maybe you should think about how the injury itself has effected you? I only say this because sometimes certain events can happen where you might not look at it as stressful but it actually is. You may have some form of ptsd, or close to it, without even knowing it. I snapped my leg in half a year and a half ago and I didnt start having any ptsd until almost a year after. I guess I was just in shock. Or maybe it did effect you and you went through the stressful time, and although your mind isnt stressed anymore, your body still is. I went to jail a while back and during my whole trial I was as stressed as one could be, once I got sentenced my sentencing was better than I couldve hoped for, so my mind finally felt at ease, but it took months for my body to catch up. When you go through traumatic or high stress events your brain produces chemicals to help cope with said event, im sure youre well aware of this, but sometimes it takes a while for your body to even back out. Not saying that lifestyle and diet changes wont help, because they always do in one way or another, but maybe just give it some time for your body to get over whatever happened to you.

11-01-2016, 10:20 PM
Interesting, today I remembered an important event related to my anxiety disorder. I remember going swimming, getting ready to go in, and slipping, causing me to fall backwards and bump the back of my head against some plastic lawn furniture. I didn't become unconscious. I just remember seeing stars and feeling embarrassed. I had NO symptoms for nearly 2 months. But I heard delayed symptoms are possible.

11-02-2016, 06:23 AM
Interesting. Also, take a look downwards as well. Your adrenals, they produce your neural transmitters - fix those, fill yourself with love and live free.

11-04-2016, 09:03 AM
Interesting thought Hobbes. I don't think that was the case with me, but that's a good point that it often takes the body time to catch up or react to what's happened. I can see that a lot when I'm stressed -- holding it together because I feel like I have to, but once the event is over, all of that build-up causes a crash.

Thanks for the recommendation, Fruit Salad. I've been looking at ways to support my adrenals, thyroid, and sex hormones. The body is amazing, with how it's all so interconnected with the mind.