View Full Version : Constant Medical Fear

10-24-2016, 06:45 PM
After years of dealing with my incredibly awful anxiety I have decided to seek out others with the same problem. My main problem is a health anxiety. The latest health "scare" was when I made out with a guy last month. He came over and we French kissed. Well the next morning I looked at my bottom gums and noticed to spots were purple and bled a bit when I brushed them. My gums don't usually bleed when I brush them soooo....here we go with the doom and gloom. A pressure formed in my forehead and went away. Suddenly I wondered if I had perhaps caught anything from him during our French kissing. So many ideas rushing through my head...HIV..Zika Virus..Herpes...etc.. And for a month now I have been trapped in a cycle. The nightmares are awful too. It got even worse when he stopped talking with me. I look in my mouth with a flashlight every day, many times a day checking for any abnormal lumps or spots. I looked so much my mouth became dry. So of course it was time to check my symptoms of head pressure..aches..dry mouth. I've spent hours checking my symptoms on the internet and all the things you can catch while kissing. I've worn myself out and am now depressed. I feel guilty for making out with him and putting myself through this "scare". Most people wouldn't have thought twice about making out with someone. But me? I see a bit of blood and am flung into panic mode. Anyone else like this?

10-24-2016, 09:10 PM
Hi Moongirl123,

I have very similar behaviours to you. My anxiety disorder is also health related. It doesn't take much to trigger me and recently I've also been checking my mouth with a light. I got a couple of mouth ulcers and started thinking I have HIV. Now I have anxiety symptoms - the usual racing heart and feeling of total terror. But after they went I got a whole bunch of new symptoms that I haven't experienced before - ringing in my ears, headaches, pressure in my face, dizziness, nausea. I know these are all common anxiety symptoms but because I haven't had them before I'm going to see my Doc. And this is how the cycle goes with me!

What are your regular anxiety symptoms? What do you do to cope? x

10-25-2016, 02:29 AM
Hi Moongirl,

I have had medical anxiety for much of my life - I remember thinking I got AIDS from kissing my parents (hehe - but really it was scarey.). After finally having a breakdown of my body 2 years ago, I decided to detoxify. I found (google: Robert Morse ND) and no longer haunted by medical fears.
The power of my health was placed back with its rightful owner. Me. I had Tinnitus and pressure as well TunnyQueen, for me that was related to head pressure.

God bless,

10-25-2016, 06:16 AM
Hi Moongirl123,

I have very similar behaviours to you. My anxiety disorder is also health related. It doesn't take much to trigger me and recently I've also been checking my mouth with a light. I got a couple of mouth ulcers and started thinking I have HIV. Now I have anxiety symptoms - the usual racing heart and feeling of total terror. But after they went I got a whole bunch of new symptoms that I haven't experienced before - ringing in my ears, headaches, pressure in my face, dizziness, nausea. I know these are all common anxiety symptoms but because I haven't had them before I'm going to see my Doc. And this is how the cycle goes with me!

What are your regular anxiety symptoms? What do you do to cope? x

Yes, I have had all those symptoms plus itchy skin, burning skin, no appetite and the list goes on and on. The worst thing are the obsessive, racing thoughts. It feels like someone strapped my brain to a really fast treadmill and asked me to run really fast while handling all my daily tasks. Honestly, I don't have any good coping strategies. I normally feel better but then something happens and the cycle starts over. It's exhausting.

10-25-2016, 06:22 AM
Thank you. I will look him up.

10-25-2016, 11:05 AM
Hi moongirl welcome to the forum. I also get health anxiety more than anything. If something is concerning you I recommend seeing a doctor before going on google. Google has this tricky way to make you feel like you have cancer every time you have something as simple as gas.

10-25-2016, 04:49 PM
Hi moongirl welcome to the forum. I also get health anxiety more than anything. If something is concerning you I recommend seeing a doctor before going on google. Google has this tricky way to make you feel like you have cancer every time you have something as simple as gas.

Yes, good advise. And hopefully Moon, learn about your body, and your GREAT lymphatic system! :-). I hope you are able to make it to Wellville! PM me if you want to know more about my journey.