View Full Version : My escape from Anxiety

10-22-2016, 12:42 PM
Hi Everyone,

I thought I would just join in here, I remember how bad my issues were 2 years ago. Perhaps this can help someone.

2 Years ago I was struck with a massive breakdown. I have had many forms of Anxiety related issues, OCD, depression, you name it. Today I am on my way to total health. I run a growing business, and life is joyful. Anxiety and worry is quickly becoming a thing of the past, depression is gone.

In general, the following is how I got to where I am.

1. I found Robert Morse (On youtube or google rawfigs website) and changed my diet to 100% RAW and 80% fruit for initial cleaning. I still eat close to that, but I do incorporate other things as well. I love food now. :-).
2. I found a good Natural Path, Osteopath and acupuncturist etc. Learned about Homeopathic's and Herbs.
3. I love myself now, more than I ever have.
4. I have so much to be great full for, I have come to know Christ and a new phase along with him, loving others. This new phase has been even more powerful -- once my body was cleaned up. My mind is quiet, fear is dissipating. If you can get here, it's worth it.

If you want to know anything please ask, I am here to help others.
You have my love,