View Full Version : Please help: As my anxiety fades, my depression gets worse.

10-21-2016, 11:24 PM
Just soliciting some opinions on what to do.

I suffer from Panic attacks and PTSD as well as general anxiety (Sometimes it's hard to know when one stops and the other begins.

The good news, I changed my diet and I exercise regularly. I see a therapist. I take supplements. My anxiety symptoms have started to get better.

The bad news is, I now get depressed more often and it's more severe. I used to think that I was only depressed because of my anxiety. But now I see this is not the case.

Some of these supplements are designed to relax me. For example, I drink Chamomille tea. I also take Passionflower extract. I'm thinking maybe this is the problem.

On the other hand, I don't want to feel as anxious as before.

Should I stop taking supplements for a while?

10-21-2016, 11:37 PM
I know this problem I have been there myself. My depression has been a lot better lately though. St. Johns wort worked surprisingly well for me and when I stopped taking I didnt go back to the depression I experienced before. Maybe it was coincedence but whenever my mood starts to slip i take it for a few days and I am on the right track again. Learning to challenge a negative mindset and force them out by positive thoughts has been tremendously effective for me.

10-21-2016, 11:43 PM
I personally don't think natural supplements would be making your depression worse, but that's just my opinion. I I mean, theres a chance they could be since theyre supposed to calm you down, like they could be calming you down too much, but I don't think so. If anything they should help with depression. But if youre worried about it I don't think it will hurt to try and stay away from them for a couple weeks and see what happens. And if for some reason they are making it worse just try something else, just like medication not everything works for everyone. My doc tried putting me on paxil and it made my anxiety so much worse, I went from having a panic attack maybe once or twice a week to having 5 within the two days I was taking the meds. Just dont give up, you deserve to be happy.

10-22-2016, 04:17 PM
Hi Tea,

Your on the right track, same as me. I have been 100% RAW, 80% FRUIT for 2 years now. But I remember those days well, deep dark hole. I am still rebuilding and detoxifying. As your body rebuilds things have to be pulled and pushed. Anxiety, depression etc. They all moved around during my hard times, then it ended I would feel better than I did before, then it would do it again, and on and on until I am where I am today. For inspiration was Robert Morse (Youtube), RAWFIGS website as well. Kidneys, Adrenals and God for me. Starting to exercise again, but I kept that to a minimum while I detoxed, heavy workouts just make more toxins. Walking doesn't though.

For example; I used to think my depression and anxiety was from no sleep, then I noticed on the days I did get sleep, it was WORSE. But hey, I was getting stronger, and that ment my body could HEAL. If your on the right track, don't discount that your symptoms are that of healing. As I detoxed my emotions became VERY strong, it was a very hard but wonderful experience. I look forward to continuing the journey.