View Full Version : Say something good about your anxiety disorder

10-21-2016, 01:05 AM
There really is a lot of negativity on these boards and understandably so.

Try some positive thinking for a change. It's partial therapy.

Name something that your anxiety disorder has done to change you for the better.

I know for me, I have noticed the following changes:

1) I am eating better and exercising more often. Ok this is related to fear, which isn't such a positive motivation. However, when I'm not having my panic attacks, I feel great. When people see me they often say "wow you look great", not realizing that I may be having a panic attack as they speak. I'm basically like a human Alfa Romeo, I look ok on the outside but the inside isn't so great.

2) I think I am a better, more sensitive person. When I see homeless people walking around, I am way more understanding. What if I was poor and lived paycheck to paycheck and then contracted my panic disorder? You can get fired and not pay the rent so easily. And the only relief would be relatively cheap alcohol. That would make things worse in the long run.

10-21-2016, 01:28 AM
I love this idea!

1. Anxiety has caused me to stay away from drugs and alcohol.
2. I exercise a lot and eat healthy to help my body function the best it can. Stress/anxiety causes enough harm Ill help where I can.
3. It has caused my relationship ups and downs but it has really made me appreciate my girlfriend who even though she doesn't understand she supports. I love her with all my heart even after 6 years

I also appreciate normal days probably more than any normal person probably ever could. I have high sense of well being when I feel what most people consider normal. I feel like once I get over anxiety nothing will stop me because I have already been dragged around the block.

10-21-2016, 03:14 AM
1. It has allowed me to greatly empathise with those who suffer with it

2. In doing so, I relate differently to them - always trying to mitigate their stress levels, avoid conflict etc

10-21-2016, 07:17 AM
It's made me leave abusive relationships.

10-21-2016, 07:35 AM
Its given me to motivation to make something positive out of my life instead of all the negative I see, now im starting my own business and making close to $15,000 a month.

The Intolerable Kid
10-21-2016, 08:19 AM
When you don't trust anyone it's pretty unlikely you will get betrayed.

10-21-2016, 05:35 PM
1. It makes me work more (work distracts me)
2. Well I'm losing weight.

10-22-2016, 03:45 PM
1. Brought me closer to God.
2. Tells me when I'm on the wrong path.
3. Caused me to learn a lot more about my body.