View Full Version : signing out from this forum

10-23-2008, 10:23 AM
I'm cured and I'm out, good luck to all of you.

But it seams to me most of anxiety sufferers here look for consolation and affirmation not the actual cure or solution to their problems. So be aware not to fall that trap.


10-23-2008, 10:54 AM
Hey good luck in everything Motif. I made a vow, when I found out that I had anxiety disorder, that cured or not, I would help others with their situation. I am no medical expert and I am not sure which program/method/steps you took to bettering yourself but I can guarantee you this...

Consolation, it is very important to those who have anxiety disorder or any variations of it, to know they have the support of others. While support is not a cure, one can quickly lose their mind if nobody shows support.

Affirmation is vital IMHO. I know where you're going with it and I think certain kinds of affirmation are wrong. Let me give you a brief example of how a particular form of affirmation helped me. Exactly 1 year ago, I would get this "numbing" sensation all over my body. 1 year ago, that numbing sensation would have me rushing to the ER or calling an ambulance. Now that I know and have been reassured that those sensations and others, are associated with anxiety, I am able to deal with anxiety a lot better.

Once you know what's "wrong" with you, you're able to recognize the "problem" and attack it head on.

10-23-2008, 12:20 PM
thanks Ojala,
I know that all that is important in beginning stage, I ended up in ER once too
because I don't know what is going on. But after that you have to get tough on yourself.

10-23-2008, 03:00 PM
Hi Motif,

I think I might join you. I think logging in everyday has become a habit but I finally feel 100% better - probably better than I have ever felt, and I think that its time to get on with other things. Here are some things I've learnt:

1) The single most effective treatment for my anxiety was taking 5-HTP and GABA daily. Its taken the fear out of so many things that would previously trigger anxiety.

2) Its 1000 times easier to work on thought modification techniques when you are not feeling anxious. Stabilising the physical feelings is vital to being able to work on your negative thought processes.

3) Look after yourself! taking time out to relax is not a luxury. Its absolutely vital to keep your body balanced.

4) Practice overcoming all your fears by exposing yourself to them. They don't ever just go away by you not looking at them. Start off small and work up.

5) It's very easy to talk about overcoming anxiety when you're feeling good! I hope I remember all my advice next time I get struck down.....

10-23-2008, 05:36 PM
hi Joey,
I couldn't agree more with all points.
It's great forum but browsing it every day reminds me about everything
I went through and that has bad influence on my mood.
If anybody has any questions though I'll be glad to answer in email.

To the Joes List I want add one more point: "you become what you eat" and "you start dying in your guts" My fight with anxiety taught me a lot of things but most important was I realized my body is one big chemical factory and it's actually pretty easy to mess up something. What you eat and drink is crucial.

10-23-2008, 06:59 PM
I know exactly what you guys mean, for the last few weeks I have been feeling almost normal again and it all started after I told myself that I would not make anxiety my life and I attacked my fears. Here is a list of things that have helped me a lot.

1) talk about my fears

2) promoting relaxation in my life

3) getting better sleep

4) This is really important, DO NOT look too deep into your symptoms. I used to read just about anything and everything about them and than I noticed that all it did was make me more anxious and scared. Counter productive, that's what that was.

5) eating more healthy

6) try not to worry, I tried my best to do things that make me happy and promote positive thinking.:)

7) Slowly started to take my mind off of anxiety and back into my life.

I am not cured, but I just feel so good right now. :) I feel very happy with were I am and I try my best to do all the things that can make me happy. That is the best cure, happiness. This place has been absolutely great for my hard times, but I need to move on from this as well. :)