View Full Version : SSRI and Panic Disorder

10-20-2016, 01:22 AM
I suffer from panic disorder and mild depression for several years. I have been on SSRI and Alprazolam in the past for more than one year. Alprazolam was very effective for me, my panic feeling gone away just several minutes after taken. However, Alprazolam was losing it’s effect gradually after several weeks of use. SSRI alone stabilise my emotion very well but seems cannot relief my panic disorder, my chest feel tight and heart racing especially in morning before wake up.

I decided to withdraw SSRI, after several months I started to take 5-htp instead. I feel the effect of 5-htp is quite similar to SSRI, even better than SSRI if I choose time release version, no sweating after taken. I also have taking B-Complex and Magnesium in this period which Magnesium helps to reduce my tight chest feeling quite well and B-Complex turns some of my white hair back to black which I unexpected.

After 3 months taking 5-htp, I feel unmotivated and very low sex drive, I think may be my dopamine is depleted. Yesterday I stopped 5-htp and started to take small amount of L-Tyrosine in morning instead, seems feel better today.

Actually when starting from using SSRI till 5-htp, my panic disorder never goes away, why doctors use SSRI for panic disorder treatment? Since Alprazolam was so effective, seems panic disorder is more related to GABA than serotonin, at least for me.

10-20-2016, 02:22 AM
Hey there,

From what I've read about brain chemistry, you're spot on - GABA neurotransmitters are responsible for anxiety/panic and the body's ability to calm itself down. The thing is though, this stuff is so complex I think SSRIs are the best thing they've come up with so far that don't build a tolerance (like the benzos do). But yes, the benzos are way more effective for anxiety I've found. SSRIs have helped me sort of indirectly though because anxiety and depression are so closely linked.

Gypsy x