View Full Version : 6 year olf Son got diagnosed with Anxiety

10-19-2016, 04:41 PM
Hey everyone! We have 4 children six years old and younger. Our oldest has always been the most difficult. Since he was a newborn, he was very colicky, and seemed to continue that trend. I'll try listing some of his symptoms/characteristics:

-very easily frustrated
- lots of tandrums/meltdowns everyday (more than his other two siblings combined - not including the baby)
- very easily overwhelmed
- has a hard time understanding social cues
- during school forgets very basic things often even after I just tell him the answer (like how to draw a "C"). This is greatly effecting his school along with the fustration.
- constantly takes things from his siblings as if a reflex (I understand kids do this but it is nothing like the others)
- might be getting some tics like sniffing his nose (he has been doing that for going on a year) and grabbing himself without cause all the time
- he has a very difficult time with different senses like something being too loud, or something not feeling right, or textures. (For the 1st 4-5 years of his life, he would be screaming, kicking during bath/shower time for example.)
- many times gets in a zone as if he is in another world
- he is very literal and has zero imagination
- refuses to do anything sport related
-wouldn't go down a small slide till his 18 month old sister went down them when he was about 3 or 4. Gets scared to do anything that looks a little bit dangerous. He is still not riding his bike without training wheels or swimming without a jacket.
-around many other things

Anyways, I've been bringing this up with his pediatrician and she has always thought he had anxiety since he was a baby. Well, she did a few doctors appointments observing Elijah and diagnosed him officially with an Anxiety disorder, but she said it has to do with something mechanically wrong with his brain - like the neurotransmitter is too short or in the wrong place (does that sound right?). She said that there is a kids zoloft that he could take that could most likely fix the problem by about 3 years since he is so young and developing. My husband and I are very skeptical about drugs like that, even though our doctor assured us it is completely different than the ones most people hear about. I probably wouldn't consider it, but it is really affecting his school. I homeschool him. His core work should only take about 2-3 hours at the most, but it takes him from 9 am to 5 in the evening and we still don't finish all his core material let alone his extracurricular activities. I feel like we are taking so much time trying to just keep him up, but he is quickly falling behind. He is just so frustrated by all his work and often forgets many of his very basic material. My 4 year old is starting to catch up to him in reading and math. I also feel that he is not getting time to just be a kid.

I'm very new to this and I'm not sure what to do for him. I will also add that my husband and I might have the same undiagnosed mechanical anxiety disorder. My mom said that my son is just like me, and I remember the things I went through at school regarding this. Anyways, can anybody give me information and suggestions about what to do please? Also, my husband is wondering if public/private school would help. I feel that it might be okay for him during school except that he might continue to become behind, but I dont think he would ever be able to get any homework done. I am putting so much of my energy and time into him, I am getting so worn out and so is he. Sorry for the long post!

10-21-2016, 12:45 AM
I think you would need a child psychiatrist to properly diagnose and medicate your son.

It is very likely that his condition runs in your family. This is common with anxiety.

I would ask the psychiatrist how likely your son will grow out of the condition on his own.

10-21-2016, 08:00 AM
This actually sounds like Autism to me but I have zero formal qualifications so I'm wary of saying anything when it comes to a child's health.

10-21-2016, 12:25 PM
This actually sounds like Autism to me but I have zero formal qualifications so I'm wary of saying anything when it comes to a child's health.

See, someone brought this up to me also a few months back. So I went on an autism forum and everybody agreed that he sounds like a high spectrum autism. When I asked my son's pediatrician, though, she said no and said it is a certain anxiety that has to do with his mechanics. She then talked to my husband and I about what she was talking about and described our son to us to a tee.

My husband and I were just talking and decided to bring him back to the psychologist and have her do an autism screening on him just to make sure. I hear so many bad things about zoloft. Our pediatrician assured us that it is different for a child of that age, but I am still so nervous. It is better to be safe than sorry. Does anybody know of the effects of the drug on young children?

10-21-2016, 07:17 PM
What alerted me to Autism is you say he has trouble understanding social cues. I was definitely an anxious child and I'm kind of the opposite to that - I'm extremely aware of body language, tone of voice, facial expression etc. Empathic if you will. A lot of the other things are very different to how I was as well. I was never taken to any doctors because hey it was the 1970s but I can remember being anxious by your son's age and my mother says I was always highly strung.

I have no idea about the effects of Zoloft on young children. I was actually on it when I was pregnant and my daughter (15yo now) seems pretty normal. But I know a guy who is on the Autism spectrum and SSRIs do not agree with him at all.

The problem is this whole thing is so hit and miss. They still know next to nothing about the brain if you ask me and I've been seeing a psychiatrist for 20 years and done a hell of a lot of reading and talking to people. So when it comes to children I just don't know but it definitely sounds more like Autism than anxiety to me.

10-22-2016, 03:55 PM
Hi 08tlgermain,

This is just becoming more and more common. Your not alone I have noticed.

Some things I have learned with my own health journey.

- Does he get ear arches, infections a lot? Sore thoats a lot? Watch for acne as he grows. (head cogestion) I would look for all the 'little' things, they add up to a story.
- If you shine light in to his eyes, how do his pupils react? Do they open up after a while? They should stay tight. (Nervous System) - Sensitive to light?
- Food allergies that you have seen yet? (Gut issues)
- Blood pressures? (Kidneys and Adrenals)

Check out Robert Morse, and it may give you in site that hasn't been considered.

Oh, I had the noise thing very, very bad as well. For me that was head congestion. Like a head cold, but much deeper. I was a kid that got ear infections every month.

God bless,