View Full Version : Wondering when it will end.

10-19-2016, 08:52 AM
I joined the group last December, with questions about noise related anxiety. I was in the midst of buying a smaller home and preparing our other home for the market. We had too much house, near too much traffic, with some occasionally noisy neighbors so we decided to down size. We listed the house in March, and the listing expired in September, although there had been some interest on it. We drastically dropped the price and listed with a different company this time. The house we bought has needed a lot more than I anticipated, and we're not getting much interest in the old place. This has been the most gut wrenching experience of my life. There is work to do on the new house that I intended to do after the old one sold. It has become a financial burden, and the move itself has been awful. We've gone from 3200 square feet to around 1500, and have had to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. It's tough going back to the old house to cut the grass, and finish cleaning out the closets. We really loved that place, and can't understand why it hasn't sold. I'm averaging about 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I'll wake up and start to worry about the whole issue, and can't get back to sleep. What a mess.

10-19-2016, 10:18 AM
I understand this is stressful, but you have to realize worrying about it is doing you no benefit. It will sell when it sells don't ruin your health over it. I promise you will look back in a year and everything will be fine and you will be wishing you didn't give so much of your life force to it

10-19-2016, 11:50 AM
Thanks, and you're right......I know I should quit worrying. But it follows me everywhere. Talking about it makes me feel better, but so few people have the time to listen, or want to for that matter. I've fought with anxiety for a long time. All I can do is say my prayers, and hope for the best.

10-19-2016, 06:22 PM
Hey there,

I can definitely relate to the noise related anxiety! I live next to a freeway and it really aggravates my anxiety. Apparently it isn't loud enough to warrant a sound barrier but it's loud enough to wake me up if I don't wear earplugs. I have no chance of moving either for at least a couple of years.

People don't have time to listen because they're all dealing with their own anxiety I think. We live in stressful times.

All the best,
Gypsy x

10-19-2016, 10:40 PM
Saying prayers is an excellent start. Religion is the best medication for me along with exercise these days. A phenomenal book to read is "how to stop worrying and start living" by dale carnegie. Might be the best 10 dollars you ever spend

10-20-2016, 06:02 AM
I'll check it out!

10-20-2016, 06:12 AM
Your financial burden, along with a lack of sleep can really get you down. That coupled with unexpected occurences is a real downer.
I would try some Melatonin which should help you sleep better and enable you to better deal with your current stresses.

10-21-2016, 07:34 AM
I may try it. Currently, I take 10mg of lisinopril daily. It helps me cope with the issues, but not sleep. The selling of the house is a roller coaster....someone looks at the house and we start to think, "maybe this is the one" and then they didn't like one thing or the other, and we're back to where we started.

10-23-2016, 07:06 AM
As for the "noise related anxiety", it surprises me that I have it. I worked in a factory with lots of noise for a little over 40 years, and have been involved with motorsports much of my life. In both of those examples however, ear protection was worn. The first time I had an issue with noise was in April 2015. I heard the most god-awful racket in front of my house but didn't know where it came from. I soon discovered that the kid across the street had a 4 wheeler, which he rode a lot. He was out of high school and simply rode it much of the day. I'm never prepared for the racket, (I never know when it's coming), and it sends me into a "fight or flight" mode. My wife and I had discussed down-sizing before and decided to buy a smaller house. I worry that the 4 wheeler issue will stall the sale of our home. It bothers me, because I've never run a from a fight, but in this case, it's a fight I can not win. The parents aren't the type that care, and local noise ordinances allow you to do pretty much anything you want on your property from 6AM until 10PM. Others have complained as well, (especially when he's riding on the street), but the issue persists. We raised 2 sons, and we had dirt bikes. We hauled to a farm 50 miles away to ride, or on an old railroad bed a little closer to home. Never around the house except after washing them off or repairing them. I didn't want to annoy the neighbors, and assumed most people felt that way. We've moved into the smaller place, and have a few items left at the old place to move. Within the next two weeks we should be completely out of there. With a little luck, maybe it'll sell before the end of the year.

10-23-2016, 08:00 AM
For what's it's worth. I had very bad noise related issues. The blinker in my car would drive me crazy, dogs barking, people working on computers, even my own typing. It is pretty much gone after about 1 year of detoxification. Nobody has to suffer with that issue.

10-23-2016, 08:12 AM
My issue probably stems from not knowing when it's coming. The noise is explosively loud and hits like a punch in the gut. Takes me several minutes to calm down. Even now that we've moved, I try and avoid the house if there is a chance they're riding. I'm glad your issues are all but over. What sort of detoxification?

10-23-2016, 08:18 AM
Yes, I know what you mean. I would cry all the time waiting for it to stop.

I orginally started following Robert Morse ND on YouTube. From there, I gathered a team together, natualpath, ostiopath, etc. I went 100% RAW, 80% FRUIT. My body broke out in acne all over within the first week, after that it was a roller coaster ride, but on the upside. Things would get worse, then better, then worse as it came out of my head. I spit out all kinds of stuff. For example now my tinnitus is almost complete gone. Do you have the ear ringing? In a quiet room etc?

10-23-2016, 10:04 AM
I do have tinnitus.

10-23-2016, 11:25 AM
I do have tinnitus.

From my perspective this is head congestion -- nothing complicated. The body is always detoxifying, or trying. Think of it as a waterfall going from your head down and then out through your bowels and kidneys (A constant flow of waste). If either or both are blocked up, the pressure builds. I remember the nights trying to get to sleep with that darn ringing. All during detox I got ear infections, when I get one today I am happy... it only lasts for a few hours and I know it's just more garbage coming out. That's what I have learned - take what you will. God Bless.

10-23-2016, 08:26 PM
My life is perfect, I got a nice steady job I like with prospects, the commute is annoying though, I could live in the city again to be closer, but I like it out here, I got a family that loves me, what do I have to be anxious over, nothing, other then the biochemical imbalance in my brain that makes me anxious and gives me panic attacks straight out of the blue. Frankly if you have things to worry about your in a better place then I. Problems come and go, even ones that are in your head.