View Full Version : Physical symptoms

10-18-2016, 06:48 AM
Whenever somebody is confrontational, angry, or upset at me, or if I think they are disappointed in me or make me feel like I need to rush, I get a racing heart, hyperventilate and get dizzy. It makes me want to either lash out in response or find a place to hide and avoid the confrontation, or run out of the building. Logically I can rationalize that the person is simply having an emotion and that it isn't that big of a deal, but logic thought doesn't stop the symptoms from happening. The same thing used to happen while I was writing my thesis years ago, and I was prescribed Alprazolam which helped stop the symptoms. But is this anxiety or something else?

I am concerned because it is affecting my marriage to the point where I can no longer handle being criticized or feeling trapped if my wife yells at me about something.


10-18-2016, 11:28 AM
Yes that is anxiety my friend. Sounds like a mild panic attack. People who are deficient in GABA are known to be poor with taking criticism and GABA is the chief neurotransmitter with anxiety. Try talking with a therapist