View Full Version : Do you have a good memory?

Linda Marie
10-16-2016, 08:18 AM
Some of my anxiety perhaps comes from having a very good memory.
The problem of that for me is that I tend to remember the bad and not remember the good things unless I make myself slow down and think about it.
There was these times I embarrassed myself or someone (Mother) embarrassed me. I don't so much remember the good times the happy times only the sad or stressful ones.
How about you?

10-16-2016, 11:09 AM
I have a photographic memory and remember everything, whether good or bad.

10-16-2016, 01:20 PM
I used to have a photographic memory but it get less good as it was, also i dont remember almost anything before age 8 and as i have adhd i dont remember stuff people told me that day...

10-17-2016, 09:31 AM
I also have a way of remembering the bad even when I don't want to. It flips into my mind.
I try to remember the good but then something bad replaces it...and I am older than you I'm sure.

10-17-2016, 02:25 PM
The bad things that have happened definitely stick out more in my mind. The hurtful memories are more vivid, for sure. They are significantly easier for me to access. Visuals from the genuinely happy moments are often foggy and incomplete. Bits and pieces. They feel further away.

10-17-2016, 08:12 PM
I have a ton of pictures on my phone and the majority of the pictures bring back good memories for me.

10-18-2016, 03:14 AM
Very good unfortunately.

Linda Marie
10-18-2016, 08:36 AM
I also have a way of remembering the bad even when I don't want to. It flips into my mind.
I try to remember the good but then something bad replaces it...and I am older than you I'm sure.

Perhaps not older (60+) but I am the same way. I try to catch myself and say something like "there you go again". Practicing this has actually helped some but it is a constant that I need to deal with. What I have started to do is when there is a bad memory I try to think - but yes this other time - with this person or place - there was this good memory also. Does not always work but with practice I am getting through it.

Linda Marie
10-18-2016, 08:37 AM
Very good unfortunately.

Yeah - one of those blessing and curses at the same time.

The Intolerable Kid
10-18-2016, 08:41 AM
I have a terrible short term memory, my long term memory is better. I agree that traumatic events from the past certainly do influence a person's current anxiety problems.

salvator here
10-18-2016, 03:07 PM
I have a bad short term memory as well. Unfortunately, I've been disassociating for the last few weeks and some vivid and seemingly real memories and dreams have regrettably proven to be indeed false. Because I spend 99 percent of my time isolated and alone, I have fake conversations...it hard to explain (total shut-in). I've been trying to remove objects or pictures that remind of traumatic events withing my own room. The triggers while outside, not much I can do but avoid them if possible, rarely am I able to do this is such a wicked world loaded with triggers. My agoraphobia has become worse then ever I can recall.

The Intolerable Kid
10-19-2016, 07:59 AM
They're not fake conversations, you're just thinking out loud. If you get a pet like a dog, then they're upgraded to real conversations. It's all in how you spin it ;) .
Sorry to read about your agoraphobia troubles, I can sympathize with your observation of a world filled with trauma triggers.