View Full Version : Burying an animal I never knew

10-15-2016, 03:25 PM
So today was a crazy roller coaster of emotions. I had decided to walk somewhere to get lunch today since I have no car and didn't much want to cook today. But on my way back I found a dead cat on the side of a road.

Now let me preface everything after this with an important fact about me. I LOVE animals. Like, to no end. Sometimes I feel like I can love an animal more than I ever could a person. I love them all. And I care about them.

So I saw the dead cat on the side of the road and called animal services. The first thing I heard was "Thank you for calling (city) animal services. We are currently closed." I hung up. I think at this point my anxiety disorder was having an effect on me but in the heat of the moment I can't fully remember. I tried calling my family. None of them would help. All told me to just leave the cat there.

But I couldn't. The poor thing had fleas and ants and flys and who knows what else crawling around its face, eating away...
I couldn't leave it. I tried calling animal control and they broke my heart too. Apparently if the cat was in the middle of the road, it would be cause enough to come get them (looking back, I should have lied and said it was) but since the cat was on the side of the road, even with cars zooming past and easily able to see it, that wasn't enough.

So I started to get desperate. I called two local animal kennel/vets and asked them if there was anything they would suggest. They couldn't. And I wasn't going to leave the cat there. So I decided I would carry her past the road and going down road on a hill to my yard.

After asking at three nearby convenience stores, I was finally able to convince one to give me gloves and plastic bags. I got back to where the cat was and put them in the bags before starting down the road. 1/2 mile later, I was shoveling her down into a hole and marked it. I couldn't really make a name marker for them, since I never knew it. It was within about a hundred feet of a neighbourhood so it could have been wild but might also have belonged to someone. I feel kinda bad, knowing someone may never know what happened to their cat now. I also feel bad on part of the cat. I don't fully know what happened but based on there being small silver and black pieces of metal next to her, I'm pretty sure they got hit hard.

If you made it to the end of this, thank you. I know this probably doesn't mean much to everyone else but I needed to share.

12-23-2016, 12:15 AM
I like cat too. That's sad.
But we have to move on.

01-06-2017, 06:35 PM
lucky catt

01-06-2017, 11:41 PM
You are wonderfully brave and sensitive.

03-12-2018, 01:35 AM
Hats off for you.

03-14-2018, 12:30 PM
Justaspekt, I'm glad you did all this because a cat like him or her matters too. They deserve a proper burial too, like any human does, I think.