View Full Version : Have you ever done something violent due to anxiety?

10-15-2016, 12:27 AM
I know there is no excuse for violence..luckily it was just a close call.

I suffer from Panic attacks, GAD and phobias. I went to the gym as recommended by my doctor to relieve anxiety. I did a hard cardio workout followed by 3 weightlifting exercises. (perhaps this was simply too much?)

After the workout I went downtown to get something to eat. I got my usual "anxiety buzz". I basically feel light headed, brain fog, a surge of anxiety and energy. I kept thinking to myself "Just ignore it. Just ignore it. Just ignore it." For some reason I thought everyone on the street was staring at me. Didn't help that it was a Friday night and there were a lot of intoxicated people walking around.

Some guy brushed up next to me on a busy sidewalk. Suddenly I got a feeling of extreme anger. I felt like grabbing him and throwing him to the ground. It was a nearly uncontrollable "rush". I'm not exact sure why or how but at the last moment I just arched my body and turned away from him avoiding confrontation. This was the scariest moment of my panic / anxiety onset.

I'm worried I may get the urge again and follow through. I have been very nervous to exercise. I bought an elliptical machine for the home. So at least I can avoid confrontation and still exercise. Exercise should NOT trigger anxiety or a panic attack.

Do having violent thoughts mean I am required to be put on meds?

10-15-2016, 01:21 AM
Hey and welcome :)

I've almost done violent things but only when drunk. Buying the eliptical for home is a good idea but maybe you need to do more gentle exercise? I'm not sure why exercise would INCREASE anxiety/anger but I have heard that gentle exercise (like walking) is better for anxiety than intense exercise.

Anyway, it's good you're aware of it and doing things to avoid getting into a violent situation.

Gypsy x

10-15-2016, 10:03 AM
Exercise usually cools me down. I do notice when I am anxious I feel my temper is much shorter. A much smaller tolerance for bullshit kind of temper

10-19-2016, 12:08 AM
I am just worried anxiety may lead to psychosis.

10-19-2016, 05:32 AM
yeah, broke a few plates and one huge cup on head of my ex husband , I am not sure it counts, I mean ex husbands.
Every human being does something violent in his life, I kind of believe it is pms or surpressed emotions. Fixmybrokenmind, I usually made a few rounds around my apartment building just running to cool down , it seems to help .