View Full Version : Depression and Health

10-14-2016, 07:14 PM
I started having some health problems about 2 years now, one night i woke up and started vomiting violently and i have had stomach problems ever since, every night when i got to sleep my stomach starts churning and i get very dizzy, there are days i can't sleep at all and every time i get really sick and go see a doctor they always ask me what i ate and then give me some antibiotics, so i finally decided to make an apointment with a gastroenterologist because all general doctors iv'e been with are idiots, and i started getting some tests done, so i had a lot general tests done on myself and they all came back negative so she gave a set of new more specific tests and they also came back negative, so last time she gave me even more test for some rare diseases i've never heard of, and when i went to the chemist to take my new tests, after i gave him a blood sample he told me that my problem might be psychological, i thought he was being totally ridiculous, but then again to say im extremely depressed would be an understatement, iv'e been suicidal for a couple of years, i drank half bottle of paint thinner, a glass of chlorine and when i finally decided to slit my wrist i got caught and sent to a psychiatric hospital were i was forcefully druged and treated like an animal.
You couldn't tell just by looking at me that i am so depressed, im very good looking, well cut and very interesting, all the pretty girls look at me and sit close to me, but i can never talk to them, i don't have any friends and iv'e never had a girlfriend.
Im just sharing this in hopes of getting better.

10-14-2016, 07:50 PM
Oh, I hope you get better too! Please try to find a good therapist to help you. Anxiety can cause all kinds of problems. I have learned that the hard way. It can definitely cause stomach problems.

10-18-2016, 11:24 AM
Sorry to hear how much pain you are in. I had a stomach problem years ago. Every morning felt like the worst hangover of my life for over 2 months I could hardly eat. Turned out stress had imbalanced the acid in my stomach and I took a pill for about a week and felt better. Could possibly do the same for you but it is likely..like you said related to psychological conditions

10-18-2016, 04:01 PM
I'm so sorry for your suffering!! Please consider going to counseling. Talking with someone can help SO much. You don't have to continue to suffer alone, there are great counselors out there. I tried to post a list of common help line numbers, but it won't let me post a link. I know Focus on the Family has a free counseling line, 855-382-5433. It might be worth giving them a call. Please don't give up and please seek help. If the depression is causing stomach troubles, then fixing it should fix that. If there are two separate issues, I'd suggest seeing a naturopath doctor.

08-25-2017, 12:35 AM
You should a counselor. Anxiety causes stomach problem.