View Full Version : always zoning out?? please reply

10-22-2008, 02:20 PM

I have suffered from anxiety,mialy health anxiety for about four months now.

I find recently that I am always starring off into space and that im never totally focused, even when watching tv, driving (not to a dangerous point or anything) and even just talking to people...

is this cause for concern or just another anxiety syptom?

10-23-2008, 12:01 PM
sounds like a typical anxiety type symptom, inability to focus and drifting off a lot. are you getting any help for your health worries? or have you looked into the kinds of things that you can do to help yourself? i hope you're feeling better soon :)

10-24-2008, 04:54 AM
The important thing to realize here is that feeling 'zoned out' is a most common anxiety symptom. I am sure that pretty much EVERYONE here has felt that way at one time or another. But it's also important to realize that this feeling of being 'zoned out' is not in any way indicative that grave harm has either been done OR is being done. And it is NOT irreversible. So do your best to accept this symptom (and all others). This means allowing it to come and go. And it also means trying your best not to react to its presence with fear (and you might not be able to reduce the fear much at first). Realize that, as your anxiety condition improves, you will generally feel this unpleasant sensation less (although it will probably come and go, and may temporarily feel like it is getting worse).

10-24-2008, 10:33 AM
Eh, i somewhat disagree robbed.

I feel that if you tell yourself these symptoms will never go away it could lead to a depression and make your anxiety worse.

I would suggest reminding yourself that YOU have control over you body and not this mysteriouse other sagnifacent soarce. Just tell yourself over and over "i control what my body does". That tends to help me get through the day alot. You can overcome anxiety slowly if you boost yourself mentaly.