View Full Version : Abdominal pain realted to stress or something else

10-11-2016, 09:54 AM
Hi, I have been on cipralex for 6 years and I just came out of it. I think I managed to stop slowly enough to prevent some side effects.

But last week was a very stressful week at work. Few days later I had a super big pain where our pancreas is. Doctor said it could be a pancreatitis even if I was missing a few symptoms. It went away the same day.

But for the last week I have been some lingering abdominal pain. Mostly below my navel but it can move around.

I have some experience with symptoms cause by stress and anxiety but not belly aches.

It's been a week now, when should I go see the doctor again ?


10-11-2016, 10:06 AM
Exactly how stressed have you been? I have been quite stressed this week and my stomach feels like it is churning. I feel nauseous slightly and have a decreased appetite.
Either way I am sure excess stress is not helping you!

10-11-2016, 12:21 PM
Watch for food allergies to cause this, used to happen to me big time. The product that used to haunt me big time in this area is xanthan gum, which is in a TON of stuff. Google side effects of xanthan gum, see if it follows suit with what ails you. The fact that it was temporary really makes me believe it was a food allergy

10-11-2016, 01:11 PM
Ya I agree with ponato, but for me wheat products damage me up really good