View Full Version : Hello everyone.

10-11-2016, 09:53 AM
Hello everyone this is my first post here.
I have struggled with General Anxiety for as long as I can remember. It has come in varying degrees of aggresiveness. Sometimes I feel okay and for some stretches I feel like I am going to have a panic attack at any moment.
For the last few months I have been doing really well. I have systems in place that I use daily that really help and my quality of life is improving. I have managed to stay off meds this entire time.

I hope to gain some insight on these forums as well as maybe help some of you from my own experiences.
I look forward to communicating with all of you

10-11-2016, 10:13 AM
Welcome Home Mymind!

10-11-2016, 01:15 PM
Thanks! Happy to be here. Wish I found this place awhile ago

10-11-2016, 07:56 PM
Hi and welcome here,

This forum is the place to be on the internets! ;)

10-12-2016, 08:44 AM
Glad to have found it!

10-12-2016, 11:50 PM
Hello friend! I’m new here too. It was good to know a little about you and your struggle with anxiety. I hope you find this forum helpful. Wishing you the best!

10-13-2016, 10:08 AM
Thank you aster! I hope to hear a little bit about yourself too :)