View Full Version : Anxiety, for the good and bad times

10-11-2016, 02:55 AM
Sometimes we think that anxiety is distressing only when are worrying about problems or have other situations in life that test us.

The true, at least for me, is that anxiety is also distressing when I am feeling happy or I have conquered something important. My thoughts race for the bad and for the good. When for the good I get really enthusiastic, creative, lot's of ideas, productive. Normally, this process is exhausting. Sometimes I think this could be hypomania, but anxiety is really tricky and can manifest in so many different ways.

10-11-2016, 10:08 AM
Man I feel the exact same way! I have no current stress or depression but I had a new business idea last week and this entire week I have been on it non stop if I am not working on it I am thinking about it. If I am with my girlfriend I am just stressing because I want to get back to it. For good things they just feel like they need to happen NOW!

10-11-2016, 08:19 PM
This is really common for creative types of people I think. My psych has tried all sorts of mood stabilisers on me (thinking I have Bipolar 2) and none have ever helped with the anxiety. SSRIs and benzos have though, so going by that I'd say I just have anxiety/depression. Plenty of artists/musicians/actors/poets etc have this tendency but society is always trying to dull people down..


10-18-2016, 03:35 AM
So, it's the price to pay for the creativity :)