View Full Version : My Overcoming Panic/Anxiety/Clinical Depression Story

10-10-2016, 08:50 PM
Im diagnosed bipolar/antisocial personality disorder. In 1999 I took my first trip to the psych ward, suffering from clinical depression, 17 hour a day panic attacks, constant anxiety, suicidal thoughts and other thoughts. I took 5 more trips to the psych ward after that, along with 6 trips to jail all for assault. From 2000-2004 I was full blown violent, panic, anxiety, bipolar absolute mess. No one, even my family thought Id live through that time. Today, I havent had a panic attack since 2005, 99% of my anxiety is in check, no depression, no bipolar highs and lows and absolutely no violence or trouble with the law. I say this with zero arrogance as it is the words of my mental health facility in my city, they stated I am the most successful turnaround in their mental health facility timeframe.

First, the panic. 1999-2000 I had panic ALL THE TIME, then 2001-2005 I had it once a day minimum. In July of 2005 I was having an out of nowhere panic attack (again) and instead of freaking i laid back in the chair and said "Look, lets panic, get it over with and let me get on with my day". I basically was done with panic and gave in to it, no struggles. That was the last attack I ever had. Ive read other stories on here saying when they used the same approach it went away for them. Its true for me, it worked.

In my opinion there are things that can give the body a panicy feeling,...caffeine on an empty stomach, out of wack bloodsugar, an allergic reaction to food gives you that flushing panic feeling. Also, when you are sick, really sick, the body's immune sysytem is functioning lower and sends an emergency signal out that feels like panic (Im not a doctor, thats just based on personal experience). I just reached a point in life where I didnt believe in the out of nowhere panic attack anymore. I live by a saying "What Makes Sense" and to me, everything can be explained. Again personal opinion


10-10-2016, 09:09 PM
Anxiety is the factor that has taken a lot of work for me. Ive had chest tightness, tough to breathe, palms sweaty type anxiety for years. I refused to take benzos for it and preferred to learn what makes me tick with anxiety and how to manage it. After years of self experimentation, mainly with food and supplements, I came to a solution that has been very effective for me. Nearly all of my anxiety comes from food allergies, outdoor allergies and high histamine foods. I think people should seriously consider looking at high histamine foods and low histamine food alternatives. When I drastically lowered high histamine foods from my eating and focused mainly on low histamine foods, and also used a spray called Rhus Toxico Dendron (its an anti histamine natural spray) I can honestly say 95% of my anxiety disappeared. The only time I get any blip of anxiety now is when its my own fault by eating foods Im not supposed to. As long as I eat right and use that spray, boom, no anxiety. I also take fish oil, vitamin d, b complex, glutamine, digestive enzymes and a probiotic. I had EXTREME IBS also, and when I went to low histamine that 100% disappeared also, and there is a huge connection between IBS and anxiety.

I dont really get "life" anxiety cause I dont really have many life stresses. No kids, no debt, my family is awesome so Im lucky that way. The food and histamine puzzle solved the rest for me. Not saying it will work for everyone, just throwing it out there

I tried to do a 3rd post covering clinical depression but it wouldnt post?

10-11-2016, 10:14 AM
Wow man that is inspiring! I could not imagine 17 hour panic attacks.
Its funny you mention allergies because my mom is a depression/anxiety sufferer too and she has recently started feeling much worse in the spring and summer. She swears she feels better when she takes allergy meds. We also live in an agricultural community so there is a lot to be allergic to here

10-11-2016, 12:18 PM
Wow man that is inspiring! I could not imagine 17 hour panic attacks.
Its funny you mention allergies because my mom is a depression/anxiety sufferer too and she has recently started feeling much worse in the spring and summer. She swears she feels better when she takes allergy meds. We also live in an agricultural community so there is a lot to be allergic to here

Id lay big odds that many many people with anxiety issues have them due to some type of allergy they are unaware of. Im convinced, along with my counselor and others that anxiety can be put in check through proper nutrition and finding out what allergies one suffers from

10-11-2016, 01:13 PM
I am allergic to wheat and after a few days of eating it my anxiety goes crazy! Funny you are the first one to actually point that out though. It is beyond placebo I have been onto it for years

10-11-2016, 01:26 PM
I am allergic to wheat and after a few days of eating it my anxiety goes crazy! Funny you are the first one to actually point that out though. It is beyond placebo I have been onto it for years

in your honest opinion how many people could massively reduce their anxiety through proper nutrition and knowledge of allergies? My guesstimate is minimum 80%.

10-11-2016, 03:11 PM
That is hard to say I haven't been lucky enough to talk to many people about it.

That being said this thread is at 100%!