View Full Version : Help!

10-09-2016, 03:15 PM
Hey guys,
So its been a while, but a recent illness has brought me here. Last week i was feeling terrible in general. Sore throat and an unbreathable nose. Over this weekend i just felt like actual crap. Terrible sinus pressure, tired and somewhat weak, and mentally drained. I have also had some chest pressure. I am prone to terrible sinus infections so i have antibiotics on the ready at all times since i get them soo frequently. What concerns me now is i have like a sharp chest pain near where my heart is, and once in a while shooting up my neck and wrists. Its never constant and not super frequent. Now me having anxiety for years, i know most of this could be made up in my head as i fear some terrible life threatening infections from my heart. I cant seem to catch a grip and calm down. My anxiety is making it all sooo much worse its almost unbearable. Yesterday i was out and about so i felt better then i do today. Can anyone talk some sense in to me? Or am i going to bed in fear i wont wake up

10-09-2016, 08:08 PM
It sounds a lot like anxiety (the part where you fear you won't wake up; our un-anxious friends don't think that way) but I always recommend seeing a doctor to have things checked out.

10-09-2016, 08:29 PM
I agree with Anne1221.

10-10-2016, 08:26 PM
I went to the doctors. He thinks its sinus infection and possible pinched nerve. Also, yes anxiety plays a roll. Like recently all i can notice is my heart beat in my chest. Especially if i lie on my left side.