View Full Version : are these symptoms normal

10-22-2008, 10:50 AM
Hi everyone,
My name is will and I am new to the site. I have had anxiety for about 8 years now. Have a long story but maybe some other time. right now I am really really really nervous. my concentration is off and I am shaky. just so worried. I feel tired and my muscles hurt. almost like I am getting sick. My biggest fear is getting sick so I think this is why my anxiety is so bad today.

10-22-2008, 05:34 PM
i feel the same way everyday lately. it's the anxiety. it can be just as much physical as mental.

10-23-2008, 11:59 AM
hi will, i'm sorry to see you feeling so bad. the symptoms you describe sound very familiar to me, i felt pretty much the same when i was suffering quite badly with anxiety (i'm pretty much recovered now!).

it sounds like you're just flat out exhausted, which can happen so easily with anxiety. if you're feeling on edge all day every day then the stress of it will take it's toll on your body. you should look into taking a vitamin B supplement to help out your stressed out nervous system, often people with anxiety are very low in it - make sure you ask your pharmacists/health food shop assistant if the supplement you decide to take is compatible with any meds you are on. and make sure you're feeding yourself properly so your body is getting all the right nutrients you need to feel healthy.

other than that there is not much i can tell you not knowing your story, there are lots of things that you can do to help yourself out, perhaps you'd like to share a little more about yourself when you have time?