View Full Version : Scared of the future

10-07-2016, 08:58 AM
So I scared of the future at all. Like terrified. Anything from just months up to many years scares me. I hate thinking about the future. When people ask me what my plans are/what I'm going to do, I just say I don't know. I don't even think about it. It's an automatic response. I shake when I think about how different life can be in just years, even months. I can't stand the thought that I've probably got at least sixty more years to live. People always say it gets faster or I say that because I'm just a young adult. But I have always and will probably always think that. The thought that I've lived less than a fourth of my life, with all that's happened, all I've been through, and heck I can't even remember anything from before I was seven. The past twenty years feel like forever and to live way longer than this? That's scary.

I don't really know what the point of this thread is. Has anyone else ever felt this?

10-07-2016, 10:58 AM
Yes, that is me exactly. Some people have health anxiety, some have social anxiety, some people worry and have guilt over things in the past, and some like me worry about the future. You just have to learn to focus on the day you are in only and get involved in that day's activities. I try to remember, "It's hard by the yard, but a cinch by the inch." And it's really true. Just force yourself to say, "I will handle that when I get there. I won't run up to meet problems that haven't even occured yet.

It's just a regular routine to re-focus from the future, to the present. The busier I am, and the more things I am focused on, the faster time goes by and the less I worry about the future. So, it will get better for you, I assure you!

10-07-2016, 11:12 AM
Hi Justaspekt,

Yes i worry about that at least one time per
day so youre not the only one :D

10-07-2016, 07:25 PM
I dread getting older. I can't even enjoy my birthday at this point. Other people are happier about it than me. It's a shame. The thought of growing old scares me and I fear dying alone.

10-07-2016, 07:48 PM
My GI and internal medicine physicians told me to not think past today as it brings less stress.

10-09-2016, 04:11 AM
Hey there :)

I'm not telling you this to scare you or anything, but my brother died at 33yo from a drug overdose. It was accidental and nobody even knew he was taking anything let alone heroin, so it was a huge shock. That was in Feburary 2014 so I've come to terms with it a bit, but it's shown me how things can completely change overnight.

The only constant in life is change :) I still worry a lot about the future - it's human nature - but I'm trying to live more in the present moment and my brother's death has made me really aware of the importance of that.

All the best,
Gypsy x

10-09-2016, 07:30 AM
Thanks for your replies, everyone. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Yes, that is me exactly. Some people have health anxiety, some have social anxiety, some people worry and have guilt over things in the past, and some like me worry about the future. You just have to learn to focus on the day you are in only and get involved in that day's activities. I try to remember, "It's hard by the yard, but a cinch by the inch." And it's really true. Just force yourself to say, "I will handle that when I get there. I won't run up to meet problems that haven't even occured yet.

It's just a regular routine to re-focus from the future, to the present. The busier I am, and the more things I am focused on, the faster time goes by and the less I worry about the future. So, it will get better for you, I assure you!

I try to keep my mind focused on things that keep me busy (usually something repetitive) too. That helps a bit but a lot of times when I finish a big task it feels like not enough time has passed. And then if I'm not busy or I get obsessive thoughts that's when thinking about the future gets worse.

I dread getting older. I can't even enjoy my birthday at this point. Other people are happier about it than me. It's a shame. The thought of growing old scares me and I fear dying alone.
It's not so much the growing old that scares me as it is living for that long. I'd feel the same even if I looked the same as I do now for the next sixty+- years. I do feel the same about birthdays though. I'm not really that excited for them. Just another day.

Hey there :)

I'm not telling you this to scare you or anything, but my brother died at 33yo from a drug overdose. It was accidental and nobody even knew he was taking anything let alone heroin, so it was a huge shock. That was in Feburary 2014 so I've come to terms with it a bit, but it's shown me how things can completely change overnight.

The only constant in life is change :) I still worry a lot about the future - it's human nature - but I'm trying to live more in the present moment and my brother's death has made me really aware of the importance of that.

All the best,
Gypsy x

I'm sorry about your Brother, Gypsy.

10-09-2016, 10:19 AM
I turned 60 in September 2016. I have been married almost 30 years and have a 26 year old daughter. My father used to say (may he RIP) that as you grow
older, the years will appear to go faster and he was correct in my opinion. I still have a full set of hair, although it is getting gray. I need to lose 10 pounds or so.
Medication or therapy never worked for me so I have had to tough it out, take vitamins and supplements and I have developed an excellent realtionship with my internal medicine physician.
I have suffered with health anxiety a long time, and I know as I age, the odds of getting sick increase, especially now that I am 60. I try to take
care of myself the best that I can, but I know in the back of my mind that it is sometimes not good enough. I try to accept uncertainty, but it can be tough sometimes.

10-09-2016, 10:28 AM
I try to push forward the best that I can. I try to do things that I enjoy. I have had some actual health issues in my lifetime.
I had a vertebrae compression fracture whan I was 20 and was hospitalized for observation for 6 days. I had basal cell
carcinoma on my upper nose when I was 52 and a Moh's surgeon removed it and it has not returned. I had a very painful
esophageal ulcer when I was in my late 40's and I thought I was a goner. Once when we were on vacation in Madrid in June 2012,
I developed a bad case of PVC's and almost came home, but toughed it out, but when we returned, I could not deal with them anymore, so
I went to the ER. My physician upped my Propranolol dose to 80mg and so far, knock on wood, I am OK. A few years ago, I was dizzy everyday
for 6 weeks and eventually it went away and it scared me pretty good. Anyway, enough of my rambling today.